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Friday, March 27, 2020

Pompeo: Chinese Communist Party Denying World Vital Coronavirus Information

The Chinese Communist Party is willfully denying the world vital information it needs to stem the coronavirus pandemic, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo charged on Tuesday night.

Speaking during an exchange with the Washington Watch radio program, Pompeo repeated previous charges Beijing’s delay in sharing information about the virus had created risks to the global community and this had “truly put thousands of lives at risk.”

He said China’s handling of the crisis exemplified the single-party Communist state’s authoritarian and nationalist tendencies.

“My concern is that this cover-up, this disinformation that the Chinese Communist Party is engaged in, is still denying the world the information it needs so that we can prevent further cases or something like this from recurring again,” he added, according to Reuters.



  1. Yes they have a Bernie Govt !!! They Never tell the Truth !!! Not FREE !!!

  2. March 28, 2020 at 9:45 AM:

    The Chinese government is a Bernie Govt on steroids. It's called communism.


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