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Friday, March 20, 2020

Poll: Majority Approve of Trump’s Handling of Coronavirus Response

The majority of Americans approve of President Trump’s job performance overall, and even more have a positive view of his administration’s response to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic — a phenomenon that appears to be growing day by day — according to a Harris poll released Thursday.

Pollsters conducted the survey on 2,050 U.S. adults in two waves — one last week, March 14-15, 2020, and the second March 17-18, 2020. The separate polls demonstrate that Americans across the board are increasingly approving of the way the president is handling the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump’s general approval jumped four points, 49 percent to 53 percent, in less than a week. However, the jump is even greater when narrowed to his “handling” of the coronavirus, specifically. His approval jumped five points, from 51 percent to 56 percent, in a matter of days.



  1. See where that is next Friday. I'd imagine down about 20 points if not more.

    1. Why do think that? Please explain.

    2. Don’t matter, he’s still your president until January 20, 2025

  2. I am one of your deplorables POTUS, support you 110%.

  3. Damn, this is going to the democrats jumping off bridges. It's only going to go up up up.

  4. Do the math. 14000 cases in US 200 deaths. .01%. And the US is in complete panic. Compared to 20k a year from flu but that is excepted as the norm

  5. Corrected typo. Accepted not excepted. Didn't catch it until I posted

  6. 5:14, It's not about Pres. Trump. It's about ourselves and how we conduct our personal affairs and business. In the words of JFK, "Ask not what your Country can do for you,ask what you can do for your Country". Heavenly Mother-Father God Almighty, what can I do to make the World a better place?


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