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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

People are putting their Christmas lights back up as a sign of hope amid coronavirus fears

With home isolation increasing, social distancing in place, restaurants and venues partially or temporarily closing, events being canceled, some cities in total lockdown, and people sadly dying from the virus, people in every corner of the world are being impacted by COVID-19.

The need for a light at the end of the tunnel is especially significant, which is why a call to get the Christmas lights back out is taking the internet by storm. And it seems like the nation is embracing a return to festive decor. Well, if you're going to be stuck in your home, you might as well make it look pretty.

Like Twitter user @lanegrindle suggests, if everyone put their lights up, driving around to look at Christmas lights is a safe activity to enjoy while social distancing. Plus, it's a great distraction for kids who are not at school.



  1. That’s actually a nice idea!!!

  2. That’s actually a nice idea!!!

  3. Now that is really a dumb idea. Anything to get out of cleaning
    out your closet; write a letter; cook a meal; read. Please tell me how Christmas lights are going to help. I thought decorating for Christmas was to celebrate the birth of Christ not a virus.

  4. We're putting them up so grandma can have one last Christmas in a few weeks before she catches the virus and dies. That 2 million US deaths has us worried this is the end for her she is only 94 and if she catches it she will not make it.

    1. What makes you think only Grandma's want Christmas trees. It is the family who thinks that all Grandma wants is the last Christmas tree๐Ÿ˜‚ So pathetic ๐Ÿ˜‚ It's really guilt by the family for not spending more time with Grandma before she leaves this Earth๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  5. How about we fly our American flags instead. You all know one nation united under God.

  6. I'm a grandma who lives in a 2 story condo and my neighbor decorates the whole building at Christmas, Hollowen, Flag Day, 4th of July. Please tell why she feels a need to do this - the whole building people๐Ÿ˜ yuck๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  7. It's enough of a job at Christmas. Remember those lights have to be taken back down, unless you're one of those people who have hanging, torn up ice cycles hand from your roof year round.


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