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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Pennsylvania governor reconsidering liquor store closures

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf said Sunday night he’s reconsidering his order to shutter liquor stores as part of the state’s coronavirus mitigation effort.

The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board closed 600 wine and spirits stores across the state Tuesday under Wolf’s social distancing directive. Since then, industry trade groups and the Department of Drug and Alcohol have raised concerns about blanket shut downs, encouraging Wolf himself to revisit the decision.

“We are looking at that very seriously,” Wolf said. “I’m trying to understand the thinking in other states. On the one hand, this can be considered a nonessential function. On the other hand … this sometimes gets to be a health issue for those with a substance use disorder.”



  1. OH MY !!!! That is going TOOOO Far !!!!

  2. Is keeping a liquor store open worth the health of those working there? No, just no. It is not essential.

  3. I can run out of TP, food and meds......but don’t cut off my liquor supply!!!!

  4. That’s ridiculous.

  5. 1. I'd like to own a liquor store in northern Maryland right now.
    2. People will be swarming across the State line to get what they need.
    3. Not a good idea closing liquor outlets.

  6. I believe it’s considered an essential store because those that are addicted to alcohol will go into withdrawal without it, and they don’t want these people coming to the hospital for help. It would take up precious hospital beds/space/protective gear, etc.

  7. 10:17 I didn't think about that. They would get sick. Some would die.

  8. 10:17 AM. You said it perfectly.

  9. And then, let the looting begin.....

  10. Yea, they WANT that excessive TAX they have on it , they
    don't want to loose any of that !!!!

  11. I know people that go every day to get their beer, they would flip if you cut them off

  12. I was in Delmar today and people were coming and going in and out of the liquor store like it was a candy store. Why are they open??? This was Delaware. I thought nonessential businesses were closed? I guess thats essential for some but they should have stocked their fridges and liquor cabinets early on. The early bird gets the booze.

  13. I don't think a lot of people realize this but a person can die from alcohol withdraw. I'm not in that situation but I don't want anyone to die. I think they should open again just for that reason.

  14. Surrounding states open for booze..PA losing $$$ they will reopen

  15. First, remember, people can also die from this corona virus. Secondly, using your logic, we should make sure drug dealers are able to be active and open so drug addicts don't have withdrawals. Maybe, we should even consider stopping all police actions to stop the drug dealers. These are dumb thoughts. I just heard on the news that now car dealers can stay open.........what, I can shop for a car but I can't shop for clothes or a get a haircut. This whole thing is totally our of control. Let's either close up --or-- open up.

  16. People don't die directly from opiod or cocaine withdraw. People DO die from alcohol withdraw. Benzos too but alcohol is legal and the states and counties have long profitted from it. No comparison to illicit drug dealers at all.
    By the way, could you people who always say "No. Just No." and the even lamer "This. Just This." Please Stop. Just Stop. Thank you.


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