Notice how intense she is explaining the police situation being very careful to only say so much. Then she relaxes and looks to have fun with the rest of the interview. Greg Bassett is such a liberal pansie, it's no wonder PAC 14 chose him to handle all these soft blow interviews. He's the Mr. Rodgers of the Eastern Shore.
I have a direct question for you Mr.Albero . Do you honestly believe that this story is ten times bigger thank anyone thinks. I was minding my business having dinner with my daughter and in walks in local Officers that I know they spoke and sat down. Now I know they didn’t do this directly but they were clearly speaking loud enough at the time for both tables on either side to hear the conversations a gentleman that I did not know opened his mouth and directly said “I’m not losing my job over anything I’m also not understanding how it can be something this long that’s been going on without having someone in the very top of social society controlling even the very top people we elect and appoint to be the ultimate authority.” His response at the very second he said that from others at the table was I’d keep my mouth shut and not ask questions or worry about it. It’s way out of our social contact and pay. Then they all kinds trues to snicker and change the subject. However at the time when they began discussing the situation which they never directly said they all had very serious looks on their faces I’m wondering if it has to do with the same things that are going on in this county right now?I know you have connections so I’m just waiting to start putting the pieces of the puzzle together as you release them. I was speaking with friends last night about it at my home and one of them mentioned you and I said he’s got to watch some of the things he does they’ve tried to lie and ruin him before he’s not gonna do anything stupid he’s too successful.
I listened to this and just shook my head and laughed. Barry Tilghman’s water boy, Gregg Bassett, opining on integrity and locking up bad guys - no credibility.
812, I felt like I was going to puke when Jamie states that if this investigation uncovers more blah blah blah. You definitely know what else can be uncovered Jamie and you seem quite nervous in your interviews. Something on your mind?
Clearly showing disdain for the general public not being patient and understanding nor "trusting". First the general public is ignorant of essential community skills because those we "trusted" continue to allow the corrupt education departments to focus and teach more sexual identities rather than teach history or social studies of how government works or even how to manage a bank account....yet you encourage us to blindly continue to trust. I can easily see without the tiny particulars this SPD case has developed from 1- the blind trust not just by the communities but also the safety checks like the SA office, 2- the process developed that leo must follow to achieve raises and increments{the more convictions the fast one climbs the scale}this process encourages deceit and corruption. The communities trust isnt built on your words or those of others before you. Decades of ignoring "bad apples" is where the distrust comes from. When the SA's office see's clear dishonest evidence and turns its head, like witnessing an leo lying under oath, fraudulent documents, ect, and those safety checks then ignore it and look the other way, this allows the dishonesty to grow. There are a few judges that have insisted these blatant liars transfer so as not to be before their court again, yet the SA's office looks the other way, just to get along, the reality is you encourage these predators to continue their scourge on the public. But the SA's office should make examples out of these crimes instead of worrying about stigma or reputations of the "system". The system believes these so called rare, rouge "aggressive" leo's wont be noticed so there is no harm to the reputation of the system. But we all know better, these incidences are far more prevalent than used to be and its because it goes unpunished, ignored, swept under the rug by internal investigations and the safety checks we have in place. The 2 tared system has never been so apparent as it is today and if Jamie Dykes really stuck to her words and her Oath she would no longer allow even ONE example to go by without accountability. With your own words you set aside that crimes were committed and rather hold higher SU's concerns and reputation and surely crime stats. You voiced how unfair it might be to individuals to have this guilt and crime attached to them forever. I cant help but think your as much concerned with the SU professor reputation. Husband and wife are 1 in nearly all legal entities in life. Is the message your sending to the communities every where by not charging this individual, less important than the "trust" message? Reputation more important than the law? Not a 2 tiered system? Show us, dont tell us what you think we want to hear. Your actions will speak the truth and yes, we are watching.
I don't know Ms. Dykes at all. I watched her testifying in the video before the council. She needs to work on her public speaking skills, especially in the area of that nervous pause where she unconsciously utters "Ummm" ad nauseum. I wasn't too impressed with what I saw.
Jamie Dykes Ummmmm report: In her first 30 seconds speaking there are 9 Ummmmms. That is an Ummmmm every 3.33 seconds. How does she do it?! Keep up the great Ummmmmmmmmmm work.
Aren’t we still waiting for the charges stemming from the multiple horrid white supremacist hate crimes at SU? There should be A slew of charges associated with this blistering attack on persons of color. We all are aware of the daily discrimination students must feel on campus. The mere presence of whitey is triggering to the woke crowd. Well Jamie?? Jake?
The big question that needs to be addressed is how much did Jim Ireton and Tom Stevenson have to do with this salisbury police theft and cover up. These two were right in the middle of all of this during the time frame in question. You have them mayor Ireton and "ACTING" city administrator Stevenson. These two definitely knew something was going on
You will NEVER get any kind of justice if this doesn't go outside of the jurisdiction of attorney general's office. All your local misfits are in bed with Frosh and Hogan. Their trying desperately to sweep all of this under the rug. Don't accept this nonsense any longer people
@11:23 why do you think Ireton couldn't get out of here fast enough?? As far as Stevenson this whole fiasco has been eating away at him for awhile, he's a walking anxiety attack. He's done everything possible to distance himself from all the public spotlight and praying he can make it to retirement. He should be dismissed from employment by the city of Salisbury
The FBI is so corrupt, DOJ hasnt impressed anyone to date but I'll wait passing any judgement until after the election. I voted for Dykes, and I believe she can do the job, whether or not she'll do the right thing will remain to be seen. One thing is certain, if those with in the system are not held accountable {which is exactly why we are here now} the cancer will continue to destroy and undermine us all. The time for covering for dirty cops must end now. No matter how trivial you think those few bad apples are...those are exactly what what everything balances on. This is why our country is in the shape its in.
ALL I can say it must be pretty bad around here and the state of Maryland on general. I contacted Andy Harris (2 weeks ago) and corroza (1 week) and I've goo NO response as to why no one has been charged with the SU hate crime and salisbury wicomico county corruption
If those that perpetrated the previous hate crimes at SU had been properly prosecuted then...perhaps there would be less of it happening now. Is it ever too late to start doing the right thing Mz Dykes? You dont concern yourself with the impact on everyday citizens when you prosecute them, so why in the L do you when it effects SU or UMES or the Professor spouse or the Democrat Party he heads? SU Prez influencing no prosecution again? Jussie Smulett all over again.....tell us again about your responsibility to the public MZ Dykes. Clearly you arent using the rights tools in your toolbag.
9:23 Nothing is going to happen to me. As I stated in a post yesterday, my Family is directly connected to these investigations. One thing I can assure you, there will be a very high price to pay by all parties involved. They know we're coming after them and the lawsuits, (weather I'm alive or dead) will bankrupt the City and County. I've already involved one Judge and my statement back in the day is on the record. The big question is, what MAYOR was involved at the time ad did that MAYOR have influence in the charges filed? As Jamie stated in this video, were charges filed that were inaccurate and without evidence. Jamie, the answer is a big fat YES. See all of you in court.
My gosh I love you !!!!! I just smile reading your statements your so honest and direct. I’m sure the individuals your are speaking about are scared to death at this point. They know your coming. Another question that got brought up today at lunch is if it’s this corrupt did they have the next mayors in line and chosen already? Just a thought.
I am not sure which is worse, her performance in front of the County Council or in this interview. If these interviews are examples of her leadership abilities or her ability to prosecute criminal cases she should consider a new line of work.
I hope this comes back to tilghman,Ireton and YES Stevenson!! This guy has screwed up everything he's been involved with at the city and should be dismissed immediately. He's turned into a real as*ho** and hiring people to do the job he's supposed to be "capable" of doing as the director of field operations. He's totally incompetent in EVERY managerial position tilghman Ireton and Day have given him.
Drugs and theft are job security for states attorney, cops and probation officers, the jail would be half vacancy. I pray they help drug addicts especially dual diagnosed.
@ March 6, 2020 at 11:05 AM . Daily discrimination? Are you serious? There is no such thing and you know it. Stop the lies. Sick and tired of hearing the cry babies hollering racism.
Last week her and Bill M. were asking to criminalize marijuana in Wicomico above State standards so that they can arrest someone before they may commit a crime, without actually having to commit the crime and they can afford to prosecute this additional case load but then they need an additional $500,000 to fund prosecutions of cases stemming from the evidence room issue?? I think that money could hire ten teachers.
Tom Stevenson nothing but a FRAUD,.POSER!! City government is NOT a place for these incompetent, inexperienced people should be playing grown up! Salisbury has been nothing but one screw up After the next costing millions
In the interview she started speaking how kids records follow them for life, and then she looked up (again), caught herself and ran with the reason (why they don't prosecute) only if the crime is prosecutable in the court. Many of these crimes can be proven in court. She just chooses not to prosecute. Typical liberal. If they want this nonsense vandalism at SU to stop, prosecute the person doing it and tell us who it is. We all know he's black. Let's end these nonsense white supremacy allegations. It needs to be released. There are people that still think the "white supremacists" did it. Come on Jamie, you probably have the person on video. Represent the law and the people, not the liberal agenda. Go get them Joe!
Anonymous said... We want to know how much Jim Ireton and Tom Stevenson had to do with this ongoing theft and incompetence that went on at salisbury police department
March 8, 2020 at 3:18 PM
I also want to know who that DA was? We have a right to know and they should not receive anymore funds until the tax payers are told the full story. We want: Who and when and what and how. Until then NO more tax payer money!
B-I-N-G-O!! THE biggest horses ass of them all. Funny how Ireton slithered off, Stevenson ran hiding with his tail tucked and macierello promoted to a judge. All 3 tried to distance themselves from what was going on
726 people need to worry more about Jamie then Matt. She has implicated herself in the recent videos and she knows it, it’s just when she’ll be honest with herself and the public.
I seen Matt picking up money in Delmar diner so the owner wouldn't go to jail for dui more tan one time this happened. You can never know what it feels like to have them come after you an you have done nothing wrong $350,000.00 fourteen years. for me at 68 as Robin Cocky said to me that's a Death sentance I hope they get exposed
Good Lord Joe!!!!! I just finished my fourth cup of coffee this morning. Now I feel like I’m going to puke.
ReplyDeleteNotice how intense she is explaining the police situation being very careful to only say so much. Then she relaxes and looks to have fun with the rest of the interview. Greg Bassett is such a liberal pansie, it's no wonder PAC 14 chose him to handle all these soft blow interviews. He's the Mr. Rodgers of the Eastern Shore.
ReplyDeleteI have a direct question for you Mr.Albero . Do you honestly believe that this story is ten times bigger thank anyone thinks. I was minding my business having dinner with my daughter and in walks in local Officers that I know they spoke and sat down. Now I know they didn’t do this directly but they were clearly speaking loud enough at the time for both tables on either side to hear the conversations a gentleman that I did not know opened his mouth and directly said “I’m not losing my job over anything I’m also not understanding how it can be something this long that’s been going on without having someone in the very top of social society controlling even the very top people we elect and appoint to be the ultimate authority.” His response at the very second he said that from others at the table was I’d keep my mouth shut and not ask questions or worry about it. It’s way out of our social contact and pay. Then they all kinds trues to snicker and change the subject. However at the time when they began discussing the situation which they never directly said they all had very serious looks on their faces I’m wondering if it has to do with the same things that are going on in this county right now?I know you have connections so I’m just waiting to start putting the pieces of the puzzle together as you release them. I was speaking with friends last night about it at my home and one of them mentioned you and I said he’s got to watch some of the things he does they’ve tried to lie and ruin him before he’s not gonna do anything stupid he’s too successful.
DeleteGreat job Joe ✔️✔️✔️
DeleteI listened to this and just shook my head and laughed. Barry Tilghman’s water boy, Gregg Bassett, opining on integrity and locking up bad guys - no credibility.
ReplyDelete812, I felt like I was going to puke when Jamie states that if this investigation uncovers more blah blah blah. You definitely know what else can be uncovered Jamie and you seem quite nervous in your interviews. Something on your mind?
ReplyDeleteNo Mr Rodgers was liked by many.. this @$$ clown is more like the snookie from Jersey shore... Fake ugly and laughed at when on TV
ReplyDeleteGov Hogan I want a investigation into HER.
Domino effect is coming TICK TOCK
ReplyDelete.. JIM IRETON YOUR INVOLVED ALSO 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
Clearly showing disdain for the general public not being patient and understanding nor "trusting".
ReplyDeleteFirst the general public is ignorant of essential community skills because those we "trusted" continue to allow the corrupt education departments to focus and teach more sexual identities rather than teach history or social studies of how government works or even how to manage a bank account....yet you encourage us to blindly continue to trust.
I can easily see without the tiny particulars this SPD case has developed from 1- the blind trust not just by the communities but also the safety checks like the SA office, 2- the process developed that leo must follow to achieve raises and increments{the more convictions the fast one climbs the scale}this process encourages deceit and corruption.
The communities trust isnt built on your words or those of others before you. Decades of ignoring "bad apples" is where the distrust comes from. When the SA's office see's clear dishonest evidence and turns its head, like witnessing an leo lying under oath, fraudulent documents, ect, and those safety checks then ignore it and look the other way, this allows the dishonesty to grow. There are a few judges that have insisted these blatant liars transfer so as not to be before their court again, yet the SA's office looks the other way, just to get along, the reality is you encourage these predators to continue their scourge on the public. But the SA's office should make examples out of these crimes instead of worrying about stigma or reputations of the "system". The system believes these so called rare, rouge "aggressive" leo's wont be noticed so there is no harm to the reputation of the system. But we all know better, these incidences are far more prevalent than used to be and its because it goes unpunished, ignored, swept under the rug by internal investigations and the safety checks we have in place.
The 2 tared system has never been so apparent as it is today and if Jamie Dykes really stuck to her words and her Oath she would no longer allow even ONE example to go by without accountability.
With your own words you set aside that crimes were committed and rather hold higher SU's concerns and reputation and surely crime stats. You voiced how unfair it might be to individuals to have this guilt and crime attached to them forever. I cant help but think your as much concerned with the SU professor reputation. Husband and wife are 1 in nearly all legal entities in life. Is the message your sending to the communities every where by not charging this individual, less important than the "trust" message? Reputation more important than the law? Not a 2 tiered system? Show us, dont tell us what you think we want to hear. Your actions will speak the truth and yes, we are watching.
WOW she is a States Attorney and doesn't know what is on the drug card #CLUELESS.
ReplyDeleteShe needs to be asked if Jim Ireton has been questioned about the spd theft ?
ReplyDeleteBut Jake loves his drug gay addicts.
ReplyDeleteShe is going to strechhhhhhhhh the spd issue out bc it's cops involved.
ReplyDeleteI don't know Ms. Dykes at all. I watched her testifying in the video before the council. She needs to work on her public speaking skills, especially in the area of that nervous pause where she unconsciously utters "Ummm" ad nauseum. I wasn't too impressed with what I saw.
ReplyDeleteShe seemed very nervous. It could because the corruption being investigated goes back to when her deceased father in-law was chief.
ReplyDeleteWatch her eyes, note the direction. Eye glances tell the story.
ReplyDeleteJamie Dykes Ummmmm report:
ReplyDeleteIn her first 30 seconds speaking there are 9 Ummmmms. That is an Ummmmm every 3.33 seconds. How does she do it?! Keep up the great Ummmmmmmmmmm work.
Aren’t we still waiting for the charges stemming from the multiple horrid white supremacist hate crimes at SU?
ReplyDeleteThere should be A slew of charges associated with this blistering attack on persons of color. We all are aware of
the daily discrimination students must feel on campus. The mere presence of whitey is triggering to the woke crowd.
Well Jamie?? Jake?
The roaches scatter when the light comes on.
when Greg Bassett talks it looks like he has been sucking on a lemon.
ReplyDeleteFunny no questions about her relationship with Davis Ruark.
ReplyDeleteThe big question that needs to be addressed is how much did Jim Ireton and Tom Stevenson have to do with this salisbury police theft and cover up. These two were right in the middle of all of this during the time frame in question. You have them mayor Ireton and "ACTING" city administrator Stevenson. These two definitely knew something was going on
DeleteYou will NEVER get any kind of justice if this doesn't go outside of the jurisdiction of attorney general's office. All your local misfits are in bed with Frosh and Hogan. Their trying desperately to sweep all of this under the rug. Don't accept this nonsense any longer people
DeleteShe's a big girl.
ReplyDelete@11:23 why do you think Ireton couldn't get out of here fast enough?? As far as Stevenson this whole fiasco has been eating away at him for awhile, he's a walking anxiety attack. He's done everything possible to distance himself from all the public spotlight and praying he can make it to retirement. He should be dismissed from employment by the city of Salisbury
ReplyDeleteThe FBI is so corrupt, DOJ hasnt impressed anyone to date but I'll wait passing any judgement until after the election. I voted for Dykes, and I believe she can do the job, whether or not she'll do the right thing will remain to be seen. One thing is certain, if those with in the system are not held accountable {which is exactly why we are here now} the cancer will continue to destroy and undermine us all. The time for covering for dirty cops must end now. No matter how trivial you think those few bad apples are...those are exactly what what everything balances on. This is why our country is in the shape its in.
ReplyDeleteALL I can say it must be pretty bad around here and the state of Maryland on general. I contacted Andy Harris (2 weeks ago) and corroza (1 week) and I've goo NO response as to why no one has been charged with the SU hate crime and salisbury wicomico county corruption
ReplyDeleteBoy oh boy good old Mike Lewis is quiet as a church mouse!! He doesn't want anyone questioning/investigating the sheriff's office evidence practices
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell have you got against Lewis 12:37 . What the hell has Lewis got to do with this , just stir the pot you ignorant a$$.
ReplyDeleteIf those that perpetrated the previous hate crimes at SU had been properly prosecuted then...perhaps there would be less of it happening now. Is it ever too late to start doing the right thing Mz Dykes? You dont concern yourself with the impact on everyday citizens when you prosecute them, so why in the L do you when it effects SU or UMES or the Professor spouse or the Democrat Party he heads? SU Prez influencing no prosecution again? Jussie Smulett all over again.....tell us again about your responsibility to the public MZ Dykes.
ReplyDeleteClearly you arent using the rights tools in your toolbag.
Probably being more covered up by SUPD leaders than the school. They covering up everything there.
Delete9:23 Nothing is going to happen to me. As I stated in a post yesterday, my Family is directly connected to these investigations. One thing I can assure you, there will be a very high price to pay by all parties involved. They know we're coming after them and the lawsuits, (weather I'm alive or dead) will bankrupt the City and County. I've already involved one Judge and my statement back in the day is on the record. The big question is, what MAYOR was involved at the time ad did that MAYOR have influence in the charges filed? As Jamie stated in this video, were charges filed that were inaccurate and without evidence. Jamie, the answer is a big fat YES. See all of you in court.
ReplyDeleteMy gosh I love you !!!!! I just smile reading your statements your so honest and direct. I’m sure the individuals your are speaking about are scared to death at this point. They know your coming. Another question that got brought up today at lunch is if it’s this corrupt did they have the next mayors in line and chosen already? Just a thought.
DeleteI am not sure which is worse, her performance in front of the County Council or in this interview. If these interviews are examples of her leadership abilities or her ability to prosecute criminal cases she should consider a new line of work.
ReplyDeleteJamie and Bill are hypocrites, if you know you know
ReplyDeleteI hope this comes back to tilghman,Ireton and YES Stevenson!! This guy has screwed up everything he's been involved with at the city and should be dismissed immediately. He's turned into a real as*ho** and hiring people to do the job he's supposed to be "capable" of doing as the director of field operations. He's totally incompetent in EVERY managerial position tilghman Ireton and Day have given him.
ReplyDeleteIf they do not charge the man responsible for the drawings at SU, I can easily see her being defeated in the next election.
ReplyDeleteLost my vote for re election. X3
ReplyDeleteDrugs and theft are job security for states attorney, cops and probation officers, the jail would be half vacancy. I pray they help drug addicts especially dual diagnosed.
ReplyDelete@ March 6, 2020 at 11:05 AM . Daily discrimination? Are you serious? There is no such thing and you know it. Stop the lies. Sick and tired of hearing the cry babies hollering racism.
ReplyDeleteLast week her and Bill M. were asking to criminalize marijuana in Wicomico above State standards so that they can arrest someone before they may commit a crime, without actually having to commit the crime and they can afford to prosecute this additional case load but then they need an additional $500,000 to fund prosecutions of cases stemming from the evidence room issue?? I think that money could hire ten teachers.
ReplyDeleteTom Stevenson nothing but a FRAUD,.POSER!! City government is NOT a place for these incompetent, inexperienced people should be playing grown up! Salisbury has been nothing but one screw up After the next costing millions
ReplyDeleteWe want to know how much Jim Ireton and Tom Stevenson had to do with this ongoing theft and incompetence that went on at salisbury police department
ReplyDeleteIn the interview she started speaking how kids records follow them for life, and then she looked up (again), caught herself and ran with the reason (why they don't prosecute) only if the crime is prosecutable in the court. Many of these crimes can be proven in court. She just chooses not to prosecute. Typical liberal. If they want this nonsense vandalism at SU to stop, prosecute the person doing it and tell us who it is. We all know he's black. Let's end these nonsense white supremacy allegations. It needs to be released. There are people that still think the "white supremacists" did it. Come on Jamie, you probably have the person on video. Represent the law and the people, not the liberal agenda.
ReplyDeleteGo get them Joe!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
We want to know how much Jim Ireton and Tom Stevenson had to do with this ongoing theft and incompetence that went on at salisbury police department
March 8, 2020 at 3:18 PM
I also want to know who that DA was? We have a right to know and they should not receive anymore funds until the tax payers are told the full story. We want: Who and when and what and how. Until then NO more tax payer money!
Why is no one calling for Matt macierello to be investigated? He was the states attorney when this happened and now he’s a judge.
ReplyDeleteB-I-N-G-O!! THE biggest horses ass of them all. Funny how Ireton slithered off, Stevenson ran hiding with his tail tucked and macierello promoted to a judge. All 3 tried to distance themselves from what was going on
Delete726 people need to worry more about Jamie then Matt. She has implicated herself in the recent videos and she knows it, it’s just when she’ll be honest with herself and the public.
ReplyDeleteHopefully Matt is being investigated by the FBI.
ReplyDeleteI seen Matt picking up money in Delmar diner so the owner wouldn't go to jail for dui more tan one time this happened. You can never know what it feels like to have them come after you an you have done nothing wrong $350,000.00 fourteen years. for me at 68 as Robin Cocky said to me that's a Death sentance I hope they get exposed