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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

NYT columnist predicts soaring firearms sales amid coronavirus outbreak will lead to more murders and suicides

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof predicted a nationwide surge in gun sales during the coronavirus outbreak will lead to more deaths across the country.

"One way in which the coronavirus will lead to more deaths," Kristof tweeted. "It is leading to a rush to buy guns, which will lead to more murders, suicides and accidents."

The veteran columnist shared a New York Times story reporting an uptick in the sales of guns and ammunition in stores across the country in recent weeks.

“We attribute it mainly to the virus scare,” said Larry Hyatt, a gun shop owner in North Carolina, who told the Times he has seen sales increase 30% to 40% since late February. “People have a little lack of confidence that if something big and bad happens, that 911 might not work. We saw it with Katrina."



  1. Northwest Woodsman: I am pro Second Amendment, but inexperienced and untrained individuals purchasing guns may lead to more accidental discharges.

  2. What a moron. People know that burglaries an home invasions are coming and will defend themselves and their families.

  3. This is all designed to ruin the Trump administration to make sure he isn't re-elected and dumba$$ so called republicans are falling for this Bull $hit hook line and sinker.

    Carol Rose and Vanessa Alban are making posts on FB that they trust and support Gov. Hogan. They are jokes and an embarrassment to the Republican Party!

    1. Virus designed to make sure Trump isn't re-elected. Is that all they got.
      TRUMP 2020

  4. The unstable useful idiot progressive leftests may become unhinged after bernie is out, couple that with the virus and the parents cutting off their internet off.
    Nothing worse for us all! then a progressive democratic socialist snowflake who is denied his god given right to internet.
    The Virus is just the catalyst to another ACT to lie and deceive us. Leading to further enslavement less freedom and more BS agencies taxes and mirrors of deception. Another man made lie like 911? You can bet the dems and swamps hands are far from clean on this.(democrats/china?)They DO NOT CARE WHO DIES!!
    Sain patriotic Conservative americans just keep family close, pray, stock up, hunker down. Ready willing and able to protect their small slice of american pie that they earned.
    This is what we have sown! Democrat Sponsored, funded, protected Ingrates who CANT SURVIVE without tax sucking. Giving.. without.. consequences and not teaching them to fish! Is why government NEVER should support us it only there to protect us. The socialists (Dems) in this country are the ones we need to fear!!

  5. Well seems to me they better do something with California and New York releasing all these prisoners because of the virus. It appears they were safer where they were. Now they are on the streets to commit more crimes and risk picking up the virus. GO FIGURE STUPIDITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Oh really they can't figure out why people are buying guns? The police can't save you during the time of a home innovation.

  7. Prediction? Took me checking out 5 or 6 diffrent stores to sng a few extra boxes of shells. And the gun racks (inventory) are at 0. One seller could only order direct from distributor. Others were SOL

  8. why have the Clintons faced a slump and needs to pick up their production?

  9. The same Vanessa that went full psycho because somebody posted a photo on another page that just so happened to have a Confederate flag in the photo. that girl is unhinged! Another Demonrat in the disguise of a Republican.Or should i say plant?

  10. i foresee a lot of litigation to come, there are a lot of civil liberties be violated. Those that give up rights for a little security, deserve neither!


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