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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

New York City's emergency 'surge plan' for a severe pandemic calls for Rikers Island inmates to dig mass graves to bury up to 51,000 bodies as coronavirus cases increase

As more coronavirus cases are reported in New York City, contingency plans are in place to prepare for a worst-case scenario that could see Rikers Island prisoners dig mass graves to bury up to 51,000 bodies.

The city has plans in place for a severe pandemic whose mortality rate of 2.1 per cent would likely produce a need for quick burial of corpses.

The plan was drawn up by the city’s Office of Chief Medical Examiner in October 2008 during the administration of then-Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

The report by Charles S. Hirsch, titled ‘Pandemic Influenza Surge Plan For Managing In- and Out-of-Hospital Deaths,’ details response strategies in case of widespread emergencies on the scale of the 1918 Spanish Flu and the 1957 outbreak of Asian Flu.



  1. This situation would also indicate it was a bioweapon attack.
    That would be too many deaths in modern era to be contributed to a natural virus.
    The birth and growth of this virus is a sign of its manufactured nature.

    What say the readers?

  2. Why not just use big ovens and incinerate the corpses?

  3. Make sure they put Conrad Diblasio in it..

    1. Sorry..typo...COMRAD Diblasio..

  4. I told a friend just last week, the telling will be if we see the most progressive criminal democrats making the biggest scenes of this hype..
    ...and right on que here they go. Fear and panic, just like false flag school shootings.

  5. I don't think I will chose to believe this...more hype and scare tactics...

  6. Yes 7:47...Just like twa 800, 911, waco No more tin foil hats these lies are real the deception real, the death real,. The money the power the threats go a long to get the agenda completed and USA IS IN THE WAY. Ask ross perot WHY HE GAVE UP. They are fighting dirty and This is a religious war. A war staged by luciferians in power globally. The new tower of babal..the NWO. Anyone who fights it are upsurpers to their evil agenda.


  7. Big question, pun intended.

    Will they be sized for Comrade DiBlasio or for Doomberg?

    Will affect how many holes they can dig. Plus the notion that the prisoners will magically turn into a viable Cool Hand Luke style chain gang seems beyond optimistic.

    Obviously they failed to consult with Monty Python, well known chroniclers of this type of situation.

    OK, back to taking reasonable precautions.

  8. Not necessarily a bad idea in the case of Schumer.

  9. It's not as if they're handing inmates shovels and have them dig individual Graves. Mass grave trenches are dug by machine and filled by machine. Those with shovels square up the holes. It's easy, outside work.

  10. Replies
    1. Yes. Why is Dailymail UK commenting on a “surge plan”?

  11. 4,000 deaths from Corona worldwide. 32,000 deaths from seasonal flu globally. Yet, NYC has this idiotic plan? Tbis whole thing is a scam. Not sure what the end game is, but it is 100% a scam.


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