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Tuesday, March 03, 2020

New restrictions placed on Chinese journalists after country expelled US reporters

The State Department has issued new limits on the number of Chinese journalists who can work for five China-run news organizations, escalating a diplomatic feud between the two countries.

The new restrictions were announced on Monday. While they won't result in the direct expulsion of Chinese reporters, they could force some to leave if their visas are tethered to the media group they work for, according to the New York Times. There are currently 160 Chinese nationals working at the five outlets, but that number will now be capped at 100.

The rule only applies to media companies the United States considers propaganda outlets: Xinhua, CGTN, China Radio, China Daily, and People’s Daily. The decrease would force the organizations to decide which Chinese workers to keep on staff unless the employees are able to obtain a different type of visa.



  1. They need to expel the thousands of Chinese ‘Students’ in our research universities who are actually spying for China and stealing our intellectual data.

  2. They need to expel the thousands of Chinese ‘Students’ in our research universities who are actually spying for China and stealing our intellectual data.


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