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Thursday, March 26, 2020

New Jersey nursing home is evacuated after ALL 94 residents are presumed positive for coronavirus and rampant staff sickness left just three nuns to care for them

A nursing home in New Jersey has been evacuated after officials said that a coronavirus outbreak left all 94 patients presumed positive for the infection, and just three heroic nurses were left on staff to care for them.

St. Joseph's Senior Home in Woodbridge, New Jersey was evacuated on Wednesday, with workers fully clad in personal protective equipment moving residents one by one to a backup facility.

New Jersey health officials said that many of the residents of the home had taken ill, and more than a dozen were out sick, leaving just three nuns from the Little Servant Sisters of the Immaculate Conception.



  1. Why evacuate and expose more people. Use as a hospital. Contact officials to help staff.

  2. To read this makes me not believe a thing being said about this virus.Did the 94 all get sneezed on?


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