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Thursday, March 12, 2020

NCAA hoops tournaments will be played without fans

The NCAA made the unprecedented decision Wednesday to hold its men's and women's basketball tournaments without fans because of the ongoing coronavirus crisis.

"While I understand how disappointing this is for all fans of our sports, my decision is based on the current understanding of how COVID-19 is progressing in the United States," NCAA president Mark Emmert said in a statement. "This decision is in the best interest of public health, including that of coaches, administrators, fans and, most importantly, our student-athletes. We recognize the opportunity to compete in an NCAA national championship is an experience of a lifetime for the students and their families. Today, we will move forward and conduct championships consistent with the current information and will continue to monitor and make adjustments as needed."

Emmert told The Associated Press that canceling was considered.

"We recognize our tournaments bring people from all around the country together," Emmert told The AP in a phone interview. "They're not just regional events. They're big national events. It's a very, very hard decision for all the obvious reasons."



  1. This will give the idiot students to bury their faces in the iphones & computers . I can only wish all sports without fans .We are a spoiled nation , the young will learn very rapidly that freedom is not free . China has declared war on this nation , believe or not.

  2. Cancell Tournament ..The fans Make It ! Dumb move ..sad too

  3. This is pure BS and everyone knows it, What was it, the Arizona game or something was already on the court warming up about to play when they charged on the court to cancel the game, You people are scared lunatics... They were already on the court about to play, so if anyone had the virus you all would have it whom ever was at the game... So why not still play at that point???? Why wait until everyone shows up to watch, players are out warming up with everyone, interacting with fans and the like, THEN when its game time, opps we have to cancel... Why didn't you make that choice before everyone showed up and was warming out in a big gathering??? You just can't fix stupid...

    And so you all know and here it here first, this is just the beginning to martial law, just wait for it... Military is already being deployed in NYC so, it will on;y be a matter of time...

  4. NHL just hit the pause button

  5. This should've been done at least a week ago.
    The fed has 1.5 trillion dollars to add to the markets.
    But you can't get tested for this virus.
    Truely pathetic.
    This will be much wore next week.

  6. Who cares, basketball is a thing not a sport and it is for idiots.

  7. MLB has suspended spring training and is going to delay opening day.

  8. Tennis has now canceled all play till after April 20th.

  9. All those empty seats!


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