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Friday, March 20, 2020

MIT biologist says fear mongering on coronavirus will go down as biggest fraud to manipulate economies

On March 12, we first published a story about Dr. Shiva after he responded to a tweet from President Trump on Twitter after he expressed his concerns about the coronovirus and how the media has exaggerated the coronavirus outbreak to scare millions of Americans. The story quickly went viral with over two million views in just four days.

As the world grapples with the coronavirus, Dr. Shiva has come out with a follow-up video that goes into a great detail to explain the real truth about coronavirus. He said it’s time to start tell the truth about the deadly coronavirus and start educating people on the importance of immune health. He thinks the “Deep State” are doing the world a disservice by exaggerating the impact of the virus.

Many of you are asking about his expertise and authority to talk on the topic of virus and immune health. Before we dive in, here is a little intro about him. Dr. Shiva has four degrees from MIT. He graduated from MIT in 1986 with a degree in electrical engineering and computer science. His PhD thesis is on Systems Biology titled: “Interferon (IFN) Response to VIRAL INFECTION.” As he explained,”Immune System is a complex engineering system and few doctors learn it given their medieval training. Your future demands “doctors” think SYSTEMS.” You can find his thesis here at MIT.edu website. He also made his MIT PHD thesis available to the public. You can download a copy here.



  1. sounds about right, the deep state doing a major worldwide financial market "correction" and over exagerating the flu to use it as a smoke screen so people don`t panic when the financial markets crash. everyone with common sense knew that the financial markets were overdue for a major "correction" and many experts have been predicting a major market crash/"correction" for years. convince people that they are about to die from a horrible disease and they will forget all about the money they lost in the market crash and just be thankful that they survived a killer disease.

  2. 10:49
    I agree 100%

  3. I really hope so. Hate to think this is a killer like they're saying. Plus it will divulge how much more corrupt the media and deep state is.


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