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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Millions could die and hospitals will be totally overwhelmed if America ends the coronavirus lockdown early

A health expert on Monday warned that coronavirus will 'spread widely, rapidly, terribly and millions could die' if Donald Trump lifts lockdowns in the United States early.

Tom Inglesby, a director at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, tweeted his fears after the president said he will reconsider the nation's social distancing policy within a matter of days.

Inglesby tweeted a thread aimed at 'anyone advising the end of social distancing' .

He wrote: 'COVID would spread widely, rapidly, terribly, could kill potentially millions in the yr ahead with huge social and economic impact across the country.'



  1. I agree Trump is jumping the gun wait for NYC chloroquine results.

  2. I'd rather live while I'm dying than die while I'm living

  3. BYE BYE HILLARY LOVERSMarch 24, 2020 at 4:39 PM

    All progressives hopefully

    let's hope Peace Alliance of the lower Shore gets hit hard

  4. Shut the F up, California I believe it was that state, ALREADY ANNOUNCED it was giving up fighting the virus...

  5. Media takes the bate every time. He wants to open it but will listen to the doctors. This puts the blame on doctors and let’s people understand the President wants them to work. Gives hope. Noway it’s opening this month probably partially mid next month.

  6. Not going to happen ! Everything Trump says is driven out
    of contex & blown up !!!

    He only said he would like to go back to normal by Easter NOT
    that things will go that way or not !!! Obviously it is too Early
    to know & TIME WILL TELL what will happen !!!

    Trump can't say anything that is not ATTACKED !!!
    His Big mistake is that HE TALKS TOO MUCH & he should
    have learned by now to SAY LESS , Not TOO much on camera

    and quit the TWITTER too !!!

  7. How is simply repeating what a politician says, an attack?

  8. I really wish the President would quit having the news conferences every single day. Once a week is plenty enough. The damn media asks the same stupid questions over and over every day knowing full well what the answer is going to be. There are hot spots, New York, California and Washington and the idiots that live there are trying to leave daily to get out but are doing nothing but spreading it all over the country. What is it that they don't understand about close your damn doors and stay home. Unreal!!

  9. sounds like there is a drug that has been on the market since the 40's hydroxychloraquin that has been working very well, so with that said if the drug can be produced in bulk quantity fast enough, all the restrictions can be lifted and all turned back to normal.

    1. Israel just sent us 10 million pill.

    2. Are you going to share with your neighbors?

      Are you connected with the Israeli Government somehow?

  10. How can anyone think Trump is doing a good job with the mixed messages he sends out almost daily? He’d rather get his advice from Fox News pundits than anyone with actual healthcare expertise. God help us all.

    And no 4:56. This is not about getting the media to “take the BAIT (spelled correctly)”. It is not a game.

    1. Yeah I caught that too and it gave me a good idea. A sec store called "The 'Bate Shop"

  11. 6:37- Spelling Nazi, you lost your argument with your last sentence. If Trump approached this differently, you would still moan about it. You're an idiot if you think he will kowtow to any news organization. He has criticized Fox numerous times. I think Trump is doing a good job, so there. Your biased opinion does not come close to facts.

    1. Her opinion is as good as your opinion. At least as far as opinions go . . .

  12. Well according to The little teen girl climate Nazi there is too many people for the planet to have on it, so she is thrilled at this prospect.

  13. 6:46. Yes. My opinion IS biased. And your argument is pretty flawed as well. The problem is that Trump approaches this crisis differently almost every day. You really can’t figure out where he’s coming from one day to the next. It’s very hard to argue against one side or the other. And if you think that Fox isn’t in the bag for Trump and vice versa you are really clueless. Let’s be honest here. Oh yeah...and I do think that spelling and grammar matter to intelligent people.

  14. Why don't we argue about what Trump is doing it not doing. He can only do so much. Let's do our part.

    1. What exactly is “our part” of dispersing a biological weapon?

      I don’t get it.

    2. He can only do so much . . .

      What does that mean?

  15. Would you really be happy if President Trump never addressed America - hide out at the WH? I don't think so 😔 Then he would be accused of not caring. Trump has always kept his promises. You should know by now that he brings the best to America - we don't always agree but I thank God everyday that President Trump is our leader and not Obama in this crisis. Can you image what must be going on in Trump's mind. Stress level has got to be incredible - holding America's destiny in his hands. Give him a break.

  16. It is NOT ending early Period !!! No man controls it Period !!!


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