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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Mexico Is Dangerously Unprepared For The Inevitable Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak

As much of the world goes into various stages of lockdown because of the Wuhan coronavirus, Mexico is in denial. The government’s response thus far has been to downplay the risks and carry on with life as normal. Mexican officialdom has taken almost no steps to contain the virus or prepare for an outbreak, despite a warning last week from the deputy health minister that a widespread outbreak is inevitable and that community transmission could begin there in a matter of weeks.

When that happens—not if, when—things are going to deteriorate very quickly in Mexico. The outbreak will almost certainly affect the entire country, cripple the economy, and threaten to bring down an already weak and corrupt government.

As of Saturday, there were only 41 confirmed cases in Mexico, where the disease was first detected at the end of February, about a month after it was detected in the United States. But there are likely many more infections across the country. Francisco Moreno Sánchez, head of internal medicine at the ABC hospital in Mexico City, said last week “there must be many more cases” in Mexico and that the government is taking the risk of an outbreak too lightly. The effects of an undetected outbreak, he added, will be “brutal.”



  1. Mexico Is Dangerously Unprepared For ______________ (fill in the blank.

  2. And in return will prolong our situation here due to all the illegal crossings thanks to every democrat you know. But, but, but the continued Wuhan virus due to the border crossings will be Trumps fault so its all good.

  3. Have they been told they will get the spray?
    I mean, I thought the IS is letting everybody know in advance of the spraying operations: China, Korea, Iran, and Italy

    Maybe Mexico is not involved. The Financial Reset doesn’t involve them

  4. And then they will all try to come to USA... attempted border crossings will skyrocket.

    1. And if they cross the border, they should be shot on the spot.

  5. 1:08 they are trying to keep infected Americans OUT moron

  6. I think the spray will affect Mexico at least in the north near the Texas border. The US will not inform them in my opinion. The government did not inform us (citizens) did they? Why would they inform the Mexican Government?

  7. The spray? What spray?

  8. Deport America's Illegals Back to Mexico !!!!

  9. You get away from the tourist traps and the party hotspots it's a third-world sh#t-hole country. Always has been.

  10. Northwest Woodsman: But let’s keep those borders open and make sure that no sort of screening is conducted as it might hurt someone’s feelings!


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