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Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Mexican immigrant who was released by Chicago authorities despite ICE telling them not to 'went on to rape a three-year-old girl in a McDonald's bathroom as she cried 'daddy, daddy''

A Mexican immigrant who was released by Chicago authorities despite ICE telling them not to 'went on to rape a three-year-old girl in a McDonald's bathroom as she cried ''daddy, daddy''.'

Christopher Puente, 34, is accused of sexually assaulting the girl at the restaurant on 600 N. Clark St. in the River North area of the city at around 8am on February 19.

The alleged attack happened while the girl's father was in another stall with her brother, who had had an accident in the restaurant.

However ICE had requested that police continue detaining the previously deported felon - who had convictions for forced-entry burglary and forgery.



  1. Multiply this story times a thousand and that's how many times a day criminal hispanics in this country commit crimes they will NEVER be held accountable for. The liberal left have created a cesspool and are destroying this country...

  2. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
    Wake up Americans

  3. Thank a Democrat today.

  4. Northwest Woodsman: We need for “authorities “ to look the other way while a little street justice is handed out. This creep would be a great candidate.

  5. Do the current Dems think the Mexicans will re-elect them when the become the majority in the next few years?

  6. Time to arrest & charge some so-called authorities !!!


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