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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Mayor Day COVID-19 Update 3-16-2020

Very hard to hear. You will need to turn the volume up.


  1. He has a 🌈 voice.

  2. LOL poor brickroom 🌈 .

  3. Unbelievable that evictions are cancelled. That will really hurt our local slumlords who don't rely on government funds.

  4. Poor Jake now he has to spend time with his wifey.

  5. I'm not turning the volume up for this idiot, he says nothing I want to hear anyway.

  6. Not great leadership. Until he was forced he was still planning to carry on with 3rd Friday. Service workers at restaurants and bars who offer take out, delivery, and drive through will be at higher risk. Just close for now, PLEASE. Is anything so important to retail that you’d risk the health of an employee or contribute to rapid spread? Yesterday I cooked for neighbors under very sanitary conditions and placed meals outside their doors. We can all step up and be part of the solution while observing self-quarantine.

  7. He just likes to hear himself talk

  8. 12:20 you are a loon! Everything does not need to close! You want to lock yourself from the world great but dont try and force everyone else to do the same! What is going on now is absolutely insane, people are so paranoid.

  9. Do yourself a favor. Turn the volume down...

  10. 12:20 thats wonderful you can cook and take food to people - but what about the people that get paid to do that - employees are getting laid off right and left - and the only thing I can say if I hope tp God they are not blowing this out of portion - cause trust me I am a democrat but Trump will get my vote. As 1:31 says it - its absolutely insane!!!!!

  11. I've watched a lot of people cook and 99.9% of them refuse to was their hands. I've seen them run their hands through their greasy hair, scratch their forehead over a pot on the stove and bug their nose and then handle raw food and even cooked food. Americans are disgusting people.

    1. 2:04 - Don't think I'll ever eat in a restaurant again after your comment. 🤮

  12. 12;20 Is right Jake planned on 3rd Fridays still bar nite downtown his 3rd Friday get togethers that is one of the 3 things he cares about: selfies/all about him AND BARS, tearing up the city, and making Salisbury "LITTLE BALTIMORE".

  13. 1:46 you are not a democrat.

  14. 12:20 you get it.

    1. Thank you. I have been laid off after more than 20 years on the job. This is about something much bigger than us as individuals. A kind and thoughtful response to this situation is what will get us through this as a nation, from observing self-quarantine to looking out for our neighbors and community.

  15. If I have 2 rolls of TP and you have none, my choice will be to share. It’s not socialist, liberal, bleeding heart, etc. it’s my decision to live by the Golden Rule. I don’t need a law to make me do it.

  16. Anonymous said...
    2:04 - Don't think I'll ever eat in a restaurant again after your comment. 🤮

    March 16, 2020 at 2:43 PM

    Unfortunately it's a fact.

  17. Anonymous said...
    2:04 - Don't think I'll ever eat in a restaurant again after your comment. 🤮

    March 16, 2020 at 2:43 PM

    I've seen my colleagues in the kitchen drill their fingers up their nose as if they had a serious itch or something and then go back to handling fresh food. Not gloves, no washing. Boogers and all!

    Many times I have seen my cooks rub their eyes then look at their fingertips to see what was on it then they twirl their fingers as they are cooking over the grill. Eye boogers and all. They say it's high in protein and they don't charge anymore for it.

  18. Which wifey the ex in Bethesda Md., or the drug dealing one he wasn't even living with at the time of her arrest. If you look back on his previous term did you see pictures of wife #2 ever with him, or when he was campaigning did you see a wife, or maybe Christmas time pictures--answer no never. Both wives were nothing but props, just like the fake military career, fake family man.


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