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Monday, March 02, 2020

Maryland might feel economic strain of novel coronavirus in mid-March or April

ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND — Marylanders might notice fewer goods in stores by mid-March or April due to the effects of the novel coronavirus on the global supply chain, the acting director of the Port of Baltimore told lawmakers Friday.

An expected shipment to the Port of Baltimore has been cancelled for the first time because of the virus — due to a lack of goods.

Meanwhile, state leaders in Annapolis are urging Marylanders not to panic.

The ship, which typically would contain 1,800-2,000 large shipping containers of household goods, was expected to arrive in late March after stops at Asian ports including China, an official said. Without enough merchandise to ship out, it is no longer scheduled to sail to Baltimore.



  1. walmart is already half empty half the time.

  2. Here it comes...a run on stores...

  3. Walmart has had a shortage of goods in it's stores long before the Caronavirus was discovered.

  4. We will tough it out.

  5. We will be Drinking Coronas at that time of year !!!


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