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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Major Changes at Trimper's Rides...the Granville Trimper Family Steps Aside.

For over 125 years, the Trimper Family has been putting smiles on the faces of children of all ages. As we prepare for the 2020 season, we have undergone a change in management here at the park. The Granville Trimper Family will be stepping aside to allow a different branch of Trimpers to take Trimper’s Rides into a new decade. It has been our distinct pleasure to bring happiness and joy to all who walked through our doors for over 125 years. We would like to thank you all for letting us be a part of your family’s memories and we wish all the best to the new management team on their future!

-The Granville Trimper Family


  1. Even future generations of Trimpers, not even born yet, are wealthy millionaires. Nice to be in the 1%.

  2. I've got news for you folks - paying over 1 million in real estate taxes per year is not an easy task - even for Trumpers. While Graville was still living - I told him a day would come whereby even he would be held hostage to our run-a-way municipal/County/State government. Today - you are witnessing just what I warned him about more than 20 years ago.

  3. It's all the darn taxes that's destroyed his businesses. Permits for vending machines, sales tax, real estate tax, front foot assessments, high water bills, liability insurance, parking meter woes, just to name a few. Fact is, the Trimpers are struggling to make it.

  4. 6:14 I call bs! worked on the kids airplanes years ago. if that's struggling everyone should be so lucky!

    1. Money doesn't all go to the company but the company has to pay all the wages. Imagine your biggest expense keeps going up 10% every year while having to pay for taxes, rates, insurance. Previous management did an amazing job keeping the company healthy.


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