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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

LA releases inmates from jail early over coronavirus concerns while Legal Aid Society asks for a freeze on arrests in New York to combat the pandemic

The Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva has moved to cut the number of prisoners in its jails by more than 600 over concerns about the coronavirus.

Despite there being are no confirmed cases of the virus in the jails, 21 inmates have been quarantined at Men's Central Jail, five are in quarantine at Twin Towers Correctional Facility and a further nine at the Correctional Treatment Center.

'All of them are receiving the necessary level of care,' Villanueva said at a news conference Monday.



  1. Unreal let's get this CIVIL WAR GOING.

  2. Oh boy that's gonna be interesting

  3. NO need to release inmates from Jail or prisons !!!! WRONG

  4. Anonymous said...
    Unreal let's get this CIVIL WAR GOING.

    March 17, 2020 at 4:31 PM

    It will be here before you know it.

  5. With empty stores because people are hoarding, it is time to lock and load with all these criminals being released or not even getting arrested. Have to let them know who not to rob because there will be permanent consequences. Police will appreciate the proper help and so will the tax payer.

  6. Half of them dont belong in there anyway.

  7. LA better Keep them there !!!


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