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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Kennedy: Democrats Blocking Stimulus Decided to ‘Double Down on Stupid’

Sen. John Kennedy (R., La.) assailed Senate Democrats for stalling a coronavirus stimulus bill on Monday, saying they had decided to "double down on stupid."

"You know what the American people are wondering right now, Mr. President? They're thinking, ‘This country was founded by geniuses, but it's being run by a bunch of idiots,'" Kennedy said on the Senate floor. "You know what the American people are thinking right now, Mr. President? They're thinking, ‘Why do the members of the United States Senate continue to double down on stupid?'"

Senate Democrats have blocked two votes this week to advance the emergency relief bill, calling it a corporate bailout with insufficient measures for workers.



  1. Was Jake Day involved in the HANG NEGROS hoax with Kirkland Hall at Salisbury University? Did the Salisbury lynching committee orchestrate the hoax at their meetings?

  2. Democraps are the epitome of STUPID

  3. How did they get control of DC?

  4. 2 trillion is allot to pay for getting bent over. Are you people that stupid to think this commie plan will work?? The new new New deal on steriods?? Its another 911 scam and we gues who the suckers are!!

  5. I guess asking questions and providing changes with 24 to 72 hours notice on the largest spending legislation that the United States has ever passed is unpatriotic. Thank you Nancy.

    You folks were the first to scream when the 2008 Wall Street bailout was done and further enriched the rich. Are you suggesting the same mistake again ???? Do we not learn?


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