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Sunday, March 08, 2020

Julie Brewington Continues To Prove Her Mental Instability & Obsession With Me

Julz Katherine 
Julz Katherine That guy stalked me for over a decade. I have court records to prove it. He's a creeper. None the less, I'll be happy to see this race baiter get convicted.

Publishers Notes: How many times do I have to go to court with this mentally challenged woman where each and every single Judge immediately throws her out of court because she's a nut. How many times will she defame me personally on Facebook like the above and recent comment. I've never seen another human being so ashamed of their first and last name, (Julie Brewington) only to change it to Julz Katherine. I think that alone shows her mental instability. Her name should be, I'll drink to that!


  1. I’ve followed your battle over the years on this but I don’t see anything on her page mentioning you or the blog , you’re above this it’s time to move on more important things going on keep up the great work investigative journalism is back

  2. Keep documenting this Joe. Unfortunately the next accusation she claims may be even worse.

  3. She is a DISGRACE sucking on the gov TEET.

  4. I would just stay away from her, unfortunately in this day and age all a woman has to do is accuse. I am a woman and do not agree with any of it by the wat, but this lady is a nut job. I know all of the deputies that had to deal with her drunk self the night she was arrested and that told me all I needed to know about her and her ways.

  5. We are with you Joe and you have thousands of supporters, she has ZERO and she is a zero no body cares what she thinks---her attention expired.

  6. I was always advised not to pick a fight with someone who buys their
    ink buy the barrel. this idiot should be should be in jail for her
    booze incidents

  7. Funny just watched an episode of Live PD body cam and there she was along with Wicomico's Finest. The deputies were professional in every way. She continued asking them if the deputies knew who is is????? Julie who are you exactly. I hope you are in rehab somewhere.

  8. Pretty damn cruel of ya to make us look at that fugly mug shot again, its enough to gag a maggot. She could get a stray dog to stalk her if she tied porkchops around her cankles.

  9. she is an attention whore....well..........

  10. Mental health issue and rehab

  11. was she drunk and sending the drunken emails again? Always playing the victim.

  12. If she is associated with the Republican Party in Maryland it is deemed worthless.

  13. Northwest Woodsman: My worst nightmare would be to wake up in the morning and find that creature in bed beside me.

  14. You are correct; she has major mental issues and needs professional help.

  15. See her at her best on PDCam...her DUI stop with the Sheriff's Office is on there...shows her at her finest...

  16. Why take it when she so freely gives it away!

  17. She is a drunken sl*t.

  18. She was nuts in high school. Her psychosis has deepened since then. She is a complete nut job.

  19. She looks crazy. This is the first I've learned of this harassment by her. Sad part is, she'll hurt you or someone else before the system will do something about her. Good luck!

  20. Bringing her up gives no one pleasure.

  21. I wouldn't touch her with a porn stars D.. K

  22. Is that Nate Samsom?

  23. Sad when you see someone fall deeper into mental illness. She needs family or someone with some influence over her to make her get help. If no one does it and she continues down this road we will be reading about her suicide that I am sure of. Lucky you Joe she has a fixation and you are it. Julie I know you read this blog. I guess any attention is better than no attention. If you care at all about yourself go get help. Life Crisis is a great place to start they can get you where you need to be.

  24. She posted about you again today well vague post about stalking and referred to the blog.


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