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Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Judge Judy makes an incoherent argument for Mike Bloomberg

The era of Judge Judy is coming to an end. At least, Judge Judith Sheindlin announced Monday that her famous courtroom TV show on CBS will conclude after its 25th season finishes. Judge Judy plans to use her massive popularity to launch a new show — but also to make the case for Michael Bloomberg in the 2020 election.

Judge Judy endorsed Bloomberg and his authoritarianism a while back, but in an explosive USA Today op-ed published on Sunday, she attacked Bernie Sanders and made her case for the former New York City mayor. While Judge Judy’s attacks on the socialist senator certainly had some merit, her argument for Bloomberg did not. In fact, it was downright incoherent and endorsed a version of Bloomberg incompatible with the reality of the man’s character and his legacy.

"I’m supporting Michael Bloomberg for president, and I urge you to do the same,” Judge Judy wrote. “He, and he alone, can provide the leadership we need to bring us together and end the toxic civil war that is ripping our nation apart.”



  1. Disregard anything this fool says... doesn't matter...

  2. Wonder what was promised to her if he became President?

  3. Money. She likes money as much as Hillary.

  4. This should give you a clue as to why her tv program is being dropped.. No matter who you are, age will take it’s toll on your mental faculties..

  5. She thinks she and her lace collar could get on the Supreme Court when Ginsturd croaks.

  6. Learn your definitions. Just because you disagree, doesn't mean the argument is incoherent. If you want to see incoherence at work, check out any random Trump speech

    1. 5:10 Unlike TRUMP supporters. Your ilk are blind fools who dont even realize who they are really fighting.
      Your side speeches, and that includes past republicans, are nothing but lies & empty promises!! lip service to chumps with weak minds who only keep voting for these puppets expecting things to change. The attitudes of your handlers are one step away from lining those who disagree against a wall and shot.
      TRUMP comes along and actually does what he says IN SPITE of the subversive behaviors of democrats.

      Then after getting your dose of MSM doublespeak deceptive spin Somehow you think this is anti american? Civil war? The conservative are the violent & hateful ones. Well hate to inform you!! You are being lied to again and in fact are on the losing side of a desperate bunch of evil vile men. Who could care less about you.

      In spite of the MSM drumbeat your outnumbered. So are you mad because your moms making you pay for your cable now? Judge judys cancelled? on the dole? Or a SU professor? Maybe the Mayor of salisbury? Or Grammar Nazi!!
      Since it appears most of ignorant pompous fools types support ignorant pompous fools just like punchbowl drunk judge judy.

  7. If you look up her pay , it was published last year , 47,000,000 , yeh that's 47 million a year for many years , tough nut to crack eh . Her assets are in the billions . I used to like her , I think she stinks now.

  8. To the liberal logic this makes sense. Give up my freedom to end this "toxic civil war". To me that sounds like "Go along to get along" and even worse ,surrender. I remember the disruption and rebellion after the last election and for the last 3+ years. I'll make my stand with President Trump.

  9. Okay ,lets change 2 words and see if she is willing to try her own advice, remove Mike B and insert Donald Trump.

  10. 721 huh? Alot of rambling, yet you said nothing.

  11. I never watched Judge Judy could not stand her mouth and her self righteous attitude. Worst thing ever on TV.


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