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Monday, March 16, 2020

Joe Biden: No Deportations for Any Criminal Illegal Aliens in My First 100 Days

Former Vice President Joe Biden (D) is vowing, once again, that he will not deport a single criminal illegal alien from the United States in his first 100 days.

During CNN’s Democrat debate Sunday night, Biden recommitted to not deporting any illegal aliens, no matter their criminal history, in his first 100 days — and afterward allowing no deportations unless they are first prosecuted and convicted of felonies.

“In the first 100 days of my administration, no one, no one will be deported at all,” Biden said. “From that point on, the only deportations that will take place is convictions of felonies in the United States of America.”

Biden — who, along with Obama, oversaw thousands of deportations and detention of border crossers between 2008 to 2016 — has attempted to angle his national immigration plan to appease the open borders lobby that has blasted him for failing to commit, like Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), to ending all deportations of illegal aliens, regardless of criminal history.



  1. Can’t you see what he is doing?
    It is obvious
    He is throwing the election for Mr Trump

    Our elections are rigged

  2. Complete friggin idiot.

  3. @7:34 our WHOLE government and way of life is rigged and manipulated. In what free country can attention whores like Hogan and the idiot Day in Salisbury come on and tell a business to shut down and possibly be forced out of business while they make millions off of the panic and anxiety they create.

  4. Promoting illegal immigration during a pandemic? Pretty much doesn’t get any dumber

  5. I see....he's eager to throw american citizens under the bus for the votes {voter fraud}from those that broke laws to be here and are NOT citizens.

  6. He won't Win to begin with !!! LOL Good thing too !!!!


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