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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Joe Biden Has Been Accused of Graphic Sexual Assault

Yesterday, a woman named Tara Reade appeared on a podcast with former Paste contributor Katie Halper to discuss an incident that happened while she was working as a staff assistant for Joe Biden in 1993. This was not the first time Reade came forward—she told part of her story last year after Lucy Flores accused Biden of using his power to touch her inappropriately. At the time, Reade was smeared as a pro-Russian agent due to remarks she had written in a now-deleted Medium post. Reade has come forward again, and this time, in her interview with Halper, she went into specific detail about Biden’s alleged assault. You can listen to the audio here, and you can read below for Reade’s account, which has been transcribed on Reddit. Content warning: The text below contains graphic descriptions of sexual assault.



  1. We all know this is impossible because Joe is a Democrat. Only republicans do these sorts of things.

    1. You are just as bad as Biden - confused, mean, forgetful, egostatistical and by my standards pathetic 😝😝

  2. Biden is one sick man, as most are who act this way.

  3. #MeToo #IBelieveHer #MenArePigs

    right Dems?

    1. Men are not pigs - that is very low. As a female I do not judge all men by the few who act badly. As for Biden - he has set a disgusting pattern and yes he is disgusting and deserves whatever can be proven. Which I hope is alotπŸ€”

  4. The Dems will listen now. They gave an alternate candidate they are promoting: Fredo’s big brother.

  5. Looks like all the Bernie Bro’s at Paste Magazine are taking their dead in water campaign into the gutter.

  6. 1993? If true, sorry this happened. Today, however Joe is probably suffering from ED, PD, and early dementia so no longer a threat in that regard.

  7. Because you think he may no longer be a threat you are a fool. And if found out to be true he belongs behind bars with his son, regardless of his age or mentality. Rape & molestation is a crime, and praying on one's employees is even worse. The Dems sure can pick them. I hope more women come forward if he has done it with one they are more victims out there, it is in the best interest of the country for all to speak the truth.

  8. Joe won't recall this without some truth serum.

  9. Once again, the Dems know that Biden is senile and if he wins the Presidential election he will be a puppet for Obama, Hillary. However, due to Biden's actions lately I'm not sure he can even be a puppet so Fredo's brother it isπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. It is easier to believe he is a set up to get Trump re-elected

  10. Democrats have had a war on women for years but they don’t seem to understand this.

  11. Dementia will do him in soon !!! He gets off all the time like Hillary with
    the Law !!!

    There is NO way in Hell , with his Mental State they could give him POTUS !

    Democrats screwed up when they Chose him to be their pick !!! LOL LOL

    I am Glad !!! Easy WIN now for Trump , EASY !!! LOL LOL

  12. Biden is a Pedifile wanna-be , so he is Finished !!! Videos Prove it LOL LOL

  13. Biden will have to go live in Thailand so he can get his young girls !!!!


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