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Friday, March 27, 2020

'I've coughed until my throat bled': Nashville woman, 21, who bragged about not taking coronavirus seriously and scoffed at social distancing now regrets it after testing positive

A 21-year-old woman from Tennessee who bragged online about not taking seriously social distancing advice surrounding Covid-19 has contracted the deadly virus herself.

Ireland Tate, from Nashville, joked on social media about how she thought she would not contract the virus and ventured outside with a group of friends - despite strict instructions to stay at home amid the global pandemic.

However, days after posting the video Tate tested positive for the deadly illness, according to WZTV.



  1. I'm not bragging about not taking it seriously,nor am I joking about it.I'm just not changing my lifestyle one bit.

  2. Go ahead, test fate, fools usually are irrational.

  3. Is this the woman that was licking the hand rail at the Mall? Just like the stupid girl liking the toilet rim, both idiots.


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