After an unprecedented three elections this past year and with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s political bloc failing to secure a majority of seats, rival parties may form a fragile alliance to oust him from power.
The results of Monday’s election showed Netanyahu’s right-wing bloc falling three seats short of a majority, despite him earlier trumpeting partial results as a “huge victory.” Netanyahu’s Likud Party won a plurality with 36, with allied parties winning 22 additional seats.
Benny Gantz’s Blue and White Party won 33, the liberal Labor Party won seven, and the Joint List, a coalition of Arab parties, won a record 15 seats. Former Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s party Yisrael Beiteinu, which split from Netanyahu, received seven seats.
Let's see:
Yep, all of them are Numerological Markers for an intelligence asset. The story is planted to influence the population to think and believe a certain way about the election process in Israel. The goal most likely is simple: get the people to believe their vote matters at all. That way they won't rebel against a tiny minority of extremely rich families controlling the government.