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Friday, March 20, 2020

In a Time of Crisis, Let's Stand Together

For quite some time, aided and abetted by a rapacious media and take-no-prisoners howlers-at-the-moon on social media, "partisanship porn" has been America's most enduring frame of reference. You're either with me or you're the enemy, the idiot, or simply beneath contempt. Thus one must be ridiculed, de-friended, socially ostracized, and/or ignored. All of our differences are irreconcilable and civil war inevitable.

Except that it's not.

This writer is a conservative who finds much of the progressive agenda wrongheaded at best and detestable at worst. But an agenda is not a person and hatred, simply for hatred's sake, might be the most contemptible default position one can have — in the best of times.

In a time of national emergency, it may prove deadlier than the coronavirus that has precipitated that emergency.

One wants to point out that the Trump administration has done a lousy job reacting to the virus, while someone else wants to counter that there's a double standard regarding how well the Obama administration handled swine flu and Ebola? Point and counterpoint. Tit for tat. Nah, nah, nah, nah nah.

Toward what end, other than to stoke division in a time when unity is desperately needed?

Columnist Micheal Goodwin reminds us that even during a world war, soldiers on both sides took a respite from the baser aspects of the human condition. "Starting earlier in December and culminating on Christmas Day in 1914, many allied British and French troops on one side and Germans on the other left their trenches and greeted each other on No-Man's Land," he writes. "The sudden fraternization happened on many spots along the Western Front, with soldiers swapping souvenirs, raising toasts, singing Christmas songs and playing soccer."

He believes the same mindset should prevail in Washington, DC. "If warring European soldiers could do it a century ago, surely warring American political leaders can do it today," he asserts. "God knows our nation needs a truce."

More here


  1. WOW! Very well written although I must admit I had to look up "rapacious".

  2. The warring soldiers were all Christians fighting an evil war they did not start and had no idea about its purpose (to establish Israel).

    Washington DC is not Christian even in the least. It is purely Satanic. Hence, there will be no coming together. There will be death and wealth destruction. That is what the Satanists want and that is exactly what they shall have!

  3. Stand together ? The Democrats will never let it happen .

  4. March 20, 2020 at 9:39 AM:

    Good Grief! Did you miss your ride on Hale-Bop?

    1. Not sure about Hale-Bop, but the soldiers really were primarily Christians back during WW2 including both sides.

      Now? Not so much. Most of us are Jewish and love war / death. Just look at all of the tattoos with skulls (Death’s Head). We were inducted into a Satanic Cult

  5. Even in these times it isn't working.
    You have Republicans wanting to bail out big business, and Democrats wanting to help me.
    It doesn't work. And will divide more.

  6. The days of America coming together singing coombya are long gone!! I know that the Democratic, progressive liberals would cut my throat in a second and smile 😁 the whole time their doing it

  7. @708 I have to agree. Sell the peace and love manure down the river.

  8. @7:06 I wonder if it's sunk in with local idiots like Jake Day and his lunatic fringe that his progressive liberal leaders have shown they will kill off their own to obtain their objective


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