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Thursday, March 12, 2020

Hunter Biden reaches settlement in child support case after requested delay denied

Hunter Biden reached a deal with an Arkansas woman who was seeking financial support for their child.

Biden was supposed to travel to the state this week for a deposition in the paternity case but has repeatedly sought to delay the case, most recently citing travel restrictions caused by the coronavirus and the looming due date of his pregnant wife.

"Late last night, after the court entered the order, we reached a global, final settlement of all issues," a lawyer for Lunden Alexis Roberts wrote in an email late Tuesday to the judge.



  1. The women and baby have been living on a friends coach. Living on welfare between court dates as the Grandfather runs for President to put “dignity back in the White House”. Flys private only and is worth 30 million. Can’t make this up.

  2. You mean his actual wife is expecting now??? He better learn that if he’s getting high....before he drag that line he better wrap slick Wiley up!! He’ll have more kids running around that he’s dishing out Ukraine funds to!!!

  3. Lame excuse to try to get out of his obligation... shameful...then again, he's a Biden

  4. We all know someone like Hunter: you know, that privileged rich kid that never had to work for anything because mommy and daddy always gave them what they wanted and they think the whole world should do the same for them.
    Except with him, he takes it to whole new level.
    I always judge people by how they raised their kids. So, what does this say about Joe?

  5. Obviously needed to clean up the act before things get too heated for Joe. They sure have a lot of splainin to do and we know Trump is not going to go easy on senile Joe.

  6. This guy is a real low life loser. Just like Daddy.

  7. Imagine if you all cared about anything as much as you care about Hunter Biden and Hillary. Imagine what we could accomplish.

  8. 9:14
    First you write to YOU

    Then you conclude WE

    Who exactly are you writing about?
    You and Me?

  9. She would have been better off having Corn pops baby

  10. 9:14...imagine what we could have accomplished if people like you didn't promote the idea of investigating "Russian collusion" for 3 years.
    Or pursuing impeachment over PHONE CALL?

    Stupid much???


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