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Monday, March 30, 2020

How long will coronavirus last in the US?

Life in the United States has been completely upended by the coronavirus pandemic, leaving people trapped in their homes and others without jobs as businesses close.

Globally, more than 530,000 had contracted the virus by late March, including more than 85,000 in the U.S.

So when will it all be over? When will life get back to normal?

The short answer is we don’t know.

The long answer is more complicated.

Specifically, the pandemic won’t end until enough of the population is immune to the disease (at least 60 percent, experts say) – either by surviving it and becoming immune, which may or may not happen – or through a yet-to-be-made vaccination.

A high number of cases all at once, though, could overwhelm our hospitals and experts say a vaccine likely won’t be ready for more than a year.



  1. It’s anyone’s guess now, but one thing is certain. If those bozos from out of town keeping coming to the beach we will have severe problems here.

  2. Until the financial reset is finished

  3. People need to take this virus seriously and undertake the precautions as prescribed. We are vulnerable and no one is naturally immune according to the experts.

  4. Long enough to destroy the best economy in the last 100 years so Trump gets the blame and not re-elected. Democrats have wished and prayed for this for 3 years!

  5. 8:40am has the correct answer.

  6. Until the election?

  7. 744 & 840 are both correct and saying the same thing. The reset is what happens when the criminals print a bunch of currency and buy all of the assets at the newly deflated prices.

    It is the early stages of a gradual slide into Communism

    We will live in a Communist State when this is finished. The BANKERS believe they are destined to rule over everybody

  8. The New PLAGUE !!! Just shocked America & the World in a month !!!

    Very Dangerous , & America's Govt better Learn, & Ramp up & Prepare for
    the Future outbreaks of other Viruses !!!

  9. America's Enemys are Watching !!! They will shurely keep this in mind
    for Their Future ideas & Plans !!!


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