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Thursday, March 19, 2020

House Democrats Propose Lifting Tariffs On Chinese Imports, Rewarding China for Downplaying Wuhan Virus

A leading House Democrat is suggesting that we end tariffs on Chinese imports amid the spread of Wuhan Virus , essentially rewarding the Chinese for their secretive and problematic handling of the virus that is quickly spreading to all corners of the globe.

Florida Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy, whose husband manufactures sportswear in Chinese factories according to an article by The Hill, could potentially benefit from such a move. The proposed legislation is co-sponsored by Democrat Joe Cunningham of South Carolina. Murphy also owns a patent on one of the products manufactured by her husband.

Murphy and Cunningham’s plan does not provide any insight or plans on how they would make sure said imports, which include everything from food to construction supplies, would be properly tested to make sure they are not carrying the Wuhan Virus. Furthermore, the individuals involved in loading, shipping, and unloading said imports have no requirements to be tested by American officials to determine if they are also carrying the Wuhan Virus. To say that this is reckless would be an understatement.



  1. It WILL be found out that Nancy n Chuck and the deep state Dems where WORKING with CHINA to Take out TRUMP by putting this Virus OUT.

  2. Can it be any more obvious that the Democratic party has been bought and paid for

  3. Told you democrats and china are in collusion to tamper with upcoming election..right in front of our faces. The swamp needs trump out to push total enslavement back on track. 911 implemented the patroit act and the big push left.this virus is a global 911. It is biological warfare..big question is who unleashed it??? My guess the progressive left & china with their NWO luciferian agencies helping to push out the fear.

  4. Demorats - the BIGGEST traitors ever...

  5. ANY Democrap who suggests this should be removed from office and charged as an enemy of the country. This is incredible.

  6. China is back up and running if you can believe the media - said 95 percent. Their problem now is finding countries to buy their products again. Democrats are up to no good again and we need to keep a close watch on them.

  7. NO!!!! NO WAY!!!!

  8. Democrats = China's Best Friend !!!


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