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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Hillary Clinton: Saying ‘Chinese Virus’ Is ‘Racist Rhetoric’

Failed 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton took to social media on Wednesday to blast President Trump, accusing him of employing “racist rhetoric” after he called coronavirus a “Chinese virus.”

“The president is turning to racist rhetoric to distract from his failures to take the coronavirus seriously early on, make tests widely available, and adequately prepare the country for a period of crisis,” Clinton wrote on Twitter.

“Don’t fall for it. Don’t let your friends and family fall for it.”



  1. Hillary Clinton is a Communist!!!

  2. Hillary and the democrats are in collusion to interfere with this election with CHINA!!!!..she is a lier...remember opposite apply when dealing with deceptive democrats

  3. HANG all Democrats and start with SOROS and BILL GATES.

  4. HANG all Democrats and start with SOROS and BILL GATES.

  5. Bow to your Chinese master Hil-liar-y. Bow...

  6. Just shut it Hillary! Just shut it now

  7. She needs to be very careful what she says as most people are beginning to wonder if the liberal democrats like her are behind this outbreak. I'm not into conspiracy theories but they spent 3 years trying to overthrow this election and bring down the economy with NO REGARD for the truth.
    THEN, a sanctuary state like WAshington State - a hub of airline flights from that part of the world - refusing to comply with President Trumps directive in early January to restrict entry.
    What do you think? Washington state had the first cases.
    It seems obvious.
    Hillary should just stfu.

  8. 12:53 I'm not so sure she is a communist as much as she is just a plain crook whose only real interest is stealing as much as she can to benefit her and her's.

  9. Why do we care - Hillary who! I am so glad she is not in office. We are fighting a pandemic and all she can do from her safe perch is complain. Please make her go away.


  10. Did someone smuggle a phone into her cell?

  11. People don't want to hear her

  12. And if she was President? She wouldn't do anything while it unfolds (like Bengazi) and later when everyone is dying, she would say "what does it matter now? Everyone is already sick." The country really dodged the Democrat bullet when we rejected her. And there she is, still trying to play the worn out, dog-eared, democrat race card.

  13. BS, you B***H!!!! It came from China so it is a Chinese virus. Go back to bed with your bottle and keep out of this. If we want your input, we will call you......don't call us.

  14. That is great coming from a "woman" saying "You Fning Jew Bastard!"

  15. Fudge Hillary Clinton!!!!!!!

  16. The Democrats are the damn RACISTS !!!! Nobody else

  17. Deport Hillary to China !!!

  18. Will that B**ch ever go away? She and Nancy Polosi are the two most hated women in this country, yet they keep their ugly faces out in front all the time. Don't they get it? They are hated and despised and not wanted.

  19. It's a DEMOCRAT VIRUS !!!

  20. LOCK HER UP 2020 !!! Before she Joins Biden !!!!


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