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Tuesday, March 03, 2020

'He's going to die:' Cincinnati 911 dispatcher suspended after not sending help to stroke victim

CINCINNATI —A Cincinnati 911 dispatcher was suspended without pay after Cincinnati's city Manager said the person failed to send help when a man had a stroke.

Cincinnati City Manager Patrick A. Duhaney wrote a letter to Cincinnati City Council members detailing what he called "nothing short of a tragedy," highlighting that the dispatcher violated multiple processes and procedures.

In the letter, he stated on Jan. 12, a resident of an apartment complex called 911 to report one of his neighbors appeared to be having a stroke.

The caller was not with the stroke victim when he placed the 911 call pleading for help. He was in a different apartment on a separate floor. The dispatcher, who was an employee of an Emergency Communications Center, told the caller to go to the stroke victim so that he could ask questions, but the caller said the victim might not want to answer questions or want help.



  1. Bet I know the race and possibly the gender of the dispatcher ?

    1. Dispatcher: black female
      Victim: white male

  2. Hmmmmmmm. Bet you do too. Bet I know the race of the patient too.

  3. White and White.


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