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Monday, March 30, 2020

Health experts identify new COVID-19 symptoms

HOUSTON - As more research is conducted on this new strain of coronavirus, we are learning more about the signs and symptoms one could experience if they are infected.

The most important thing we want to let everyone know is that the initial symptoms we discussed such as a fever, cough, and shortness of breath remain the primary symptoms of COVID-19, but we are learning of secondary symptoms associated with the virus.

“There’s actually a recent study from Wuhan China, 212 patients, and they were looking at all these new symptoms, neurological symptoms, and they describe in their epidemic that 5 percent of patients presented with an altered taste or smell, and a lot of the patients had dizziness, headaches, muscle inflammation, and even altered mental status and seizures," Dr. Rodrigo Hasbun Professor of Medicine-Infectious Disease at UT Health tells FOX 26.

Just because new symptoms associated with coronavirus have been discovered, doesn’t mean the virus is mutating.



  1. Any other articles to post besides about this virus? 🤪 Thanks for keeping us informed...but our minds need some diversion...

  2. Yep, sounds like a Bi0-Weapon to me!!!!

    1. I agree 100%
      All of my friends agree
      My boss told me about and I read the articles
      4 strands HIV and 1 strand H1N1 DNA

  3. I have read the same. Biological Weapon and obviously so. HIV and H1N1

    Are there any biologists reading who can confirm if it is a weapon?

  4. I've been thinking the same thing. Why else would we be confined to this degree? Can't help but wonder that. It appears that the government either knows this for sure OR are being cautious in case it is.

  5. If it is a weapon then the government did it

    I mean the Crypts or Bloods don’t manufacture biological weapons do they?

  6. Half of the Eastern Shore's eyes are red. Just look at the beer bottles and cans along the roads.


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