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Monday, March 16, 2020

Have doctors found a drug to fight coronavirus?

Two top doctors believe an experimental drug has helped save the lives of American coronavirus patients

George Thompson, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California Davis Medical Center, was part of the team that administered the drug, remdesivir, to a sickly American woman who tested positive for the virus on February 26.

'We thought they were going to pass away,' Thompson told Science magazine Friday about the patient - who was the first known 'community spread' case in the United States.

However, 36 hours after the woman was admitted to hospital, doctors decided to treat her with remdesivir, which is administered by intravenous drip and 'cripples an enzyme named RNA polymerase - used by many viruses to copy themselves'.



  1. Who cares? This whole thing is nothing more than fear mongering. Give the media a mandatory 30 days off and watch how 80$ of your problems disappear.

  2. They have had one for years , but some population control is
    being implemented first !!!!

  3. Yes of course > > Marajuana & Hemp !!!!

  4. HEMP cures ALL !!!!

  5. The price just went up on that med

  6. Viagra & Celais !!!! works every time !!!!

  7. I just love it when a headline is in the form of a question, I usually just skip over it knowing it's going to be a waste of time reading someone's ramblings.

  8. Thorazine / Haldal / Lithium !!!!


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