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Sunday, March 01, 2020

Great Question About The Fate Of The Salisbury Zoo

Aaron Pennell Adkins I'm curious as to the fate of the animals that are in the conservation plan with the AZA- do they take them back or move them to an accredited zoo? Obviously I know nothing about zoos, just wondering.

My Reply: It's a great question. The AZA and SSP coordinators decide where they go and how they are managed. They're not going to come in and just take all the animals away right away but as soon as they can reassign animals like the spectacle bears, jaguar's ocelots, cotton top tamerins, sloths and many others. they will remove them. There's a very good chance the AZA will in fact start removing animals soon. Remember, there is NO Director at the Zoo so I'm sure the AZA is very concerned. It's easier to MAINTAIN your accreditation then it is to apply for it once you lose it.


  1. This city has gone through a lot, and the people here have been pushed too far. This zoo is a source of pride for us. You really don't want to see what would happen if we lose it. The city better figure it out fast and fix the problem they created NOW!

  2. I moved away to Florida 4 years ago. What's going on with the Zoo?

    1. 7:46- Feel free to scroll down the blog just a bit and find out! Joe explained better than you will hear from any other.

  3. Why is this not being reported by the rest of the media. Just like today, they'll spin it with fluff. However, te fact remains the AZA could and should remove all the animals to a Zoo that has PROFESSIONAL Zookeepers who will care for these animals properly. Karma is a bitch but I've been warning the public for well over a decade on this mater and the rest of the media covered it up. Salisbury is corrupt and once again, "it was your election to lose".

  4. I am so MAD / SAD at this! Figure this out NOW Jake Day! Our kids deserve better!

    1. Jake Day to step down as Mayor,
      and Jake will be the new ZOO KEEPER.

    2. He is already a 'zoo keeper',top banana at the "monkey house"! (Formerly known as City Hall)

  5. This is how Democrats run things and the voters are ok with that.

  6. When I looked at the AZA website, it said that every zoo had to reapply every 5 years, and that only approximately 10% of the zoo's and aquariums in the country had that status. It is a HUGE shame to lose it, but it apparently, according to AZA, a sign of a horrendous zoo. Not making the top 10% is like getting a B grade. Until more info comes out as to why the zoo lost its accreditation by the AZA, from the AZA, maybe we can take a step back and recognize that we do have a wonderful, free for public use zoo in our community. Just an apolitical thought.

    1. Won't be much once all the top animals are removed. It will be a place where you can see all local wildlife in one place!!

  7. 7:41, I think it's too late. Like Joe said AZA may start moving animals sooner rather than later because of no zoo director and loss of accreditation

  8. I went to the AZA website, where it said that only around 10% of zoos and aquariums meet their standards, and that each must reapply every 5 years, there is no automatic renewal, and each application will cost several thousand dollars. To stay apolitical, we have a free for public use zoo to use to educate our kids and share some family time. It isn't perfect or pristine, but it is what we can make of it. It is sad that our zoo did not get recertified, but maybe this can be used as a way to get more people to go there and support what was once one of the jewels of Salisbury.

  9. Sorry. I posted twice on the same theme. I don't usually post, so I wasn't sure if my original post actually posted. I am a borderline Luddite.

  10. Damn! We don't have any geese down there anymore either. What Jake touches, dies. Just like our city will die like all cities and towns die with progressives running them. It is a real shame, Salisbury could be such an awesome place if they just had good leadership.

  11. There will be new fiscal accommodations made for the zoo at the upcoming budget sessions.

    1. Typical Democrat, once they run something with policy and neglect their solution is 'nothing more money can't fix!' As they reach into YOUR wallet!!!

  12. Don't mind having a zoo in Salisbury but it is in the wrong place. Do you people know how bad it floods in that zoo abd how many animals really die and how many animals are wading in water for days after a hard rain. It's sad but yet they keep saying it's all ok. No, it's not ok. After a hard rain go by there and then tell me it's ok. The caged animals deserve better. They deserve way more room than they'll ever get at that dump of a zoo.

  13. Creek front apartments coming soon. The Commons at Jake & Cronies. So, really, why all the road work if it looks like we could lose the Zoo? And, what a cap on your legacy Jake which will probably read - "Finished Salisbury Off." I really need to move before I will not even be able to sell my house!

  14. This whole situation is very sad.

    My family LOVES to go to the zoo... and my child and his friends love it too. It seems that it is well visited too...

    I wonder.. as Joe says and often points out "it was our election to loose". Joe, what would you have done to stop or prevent this? How could this have been better managed?

  15. 7:44, It's quite simple. To start with I would've hired a professional Director who had already worked with the AZA program. I would've examined the current zookeepers to see if they are actually qualified. I would've begged Dr. Jimmy Tragle to return to the Zoo as the official veterinarian. Clearly Jake Day and his staff are clueless on how to manage a business.

  16. Jake Day and the city council need to answer now today on how this was allowed to happen, this is on your watch Day so don't point the finger anywhere else.

  17. The Festival $ he claims we made could be put to making this right and saving our Zoo, but then we know that probably went straight to his and the council's pockets.

  18. Actually Ralph picked up and resigned. Was a surprise to everyone. There is an acting director who is a wonderful person. An exotic animal on site vet was a requirement which our free zoo can not afford.


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