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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Governor Hogan Demands Anyone Coming To Our State Quarantine For 14 Days

Here's what I can tell you about his demand. I have a neighbor from Pennsylvania who comes to his 2nd home every single weekend with their family. On Sunday evening they head back to PA. Catch Me If You Can. They're not here long enough to quarantine for 14 days. 

I spoke to another friend of mine yesterday who lives in one of those waterfront townhouses on the water in the Riddle Farm. He told me that they are the only ones living there in the winter months. However, right now their parking lots are FULL, meaning a LOT of people are coming here from out of state, (confirmed by tags on vehicles) and yet NO ONE is policing it. 

While Governor Hogan may be pounding his chest with such demands, it's a load of crap. All anyone has to do is drive around in West OC and on the island and you'll see a ton of out of state tags. Heck, just pull into the WalMart parking lot in Berlin and you'll see what I mean.

The Coronavirus is here, it's being brought in by outsiders escaping their states and we can all expect the number of positive results to skyrocket over the next two weeks. I'd like to hear what law enforcement is doing to protect us.


  1. My question is, how is hogan going to keep people out? Check points on All highways, waterways and airports?


  2. You're right about one thing-- Hogan is just pounding his chest.

    If somebody owns a property and wants to come to it, how can that be denied?

    Is it selfish to come from a hotspot and risk bringing the virus to the area? Maybe, but they cannot be denied the right to access their own property.

  3. Enough with the fear mongering! Don’t rely on law enforcement to protect you from the virus, they have enough on their plates. Use good common sense and protect yourself.

  4. Gov. Larry put out his list of exempt businesses that can stay open. What a waste of time just about every business in Maryland is allowed to operate.

  5. Law enforcement can only enforce laws. If the governor did not enact emergency legislation, then there's nothing to enforce. Then, do you wish them to be like the Gestapo, going door to door, just like everyone argued against, when it would be possible under new gun law attempts by several states. It has to be one way or another. Police state or freedom to choose and move.

  6. As he should . There are New York tags across the street right from me now

  7. LMAO - who the hell wants to go to Little CA - I mean MD... LOL

  8. Hogan should be willing to sacrifice his life for the state of Maryland. he needs to be out and about shaking hands and campaigning for his next job not just doing daily press and TV spots.

    He is campaigning.

  9. F you hogan!!!! You have no authority to force people to stay inside!!!! This is above your powers as Governor, and if you look legally at the definition of the laws for things like this, a pandemic is not a disaster and as such, you have no authority to even make executive orders forcing people to stay in let alone arresting them for being out or closing business ... and I will challenge anyone who thinks other wise!!!! But don't run at me with your stupid, you better research this before you come at me, because I will school you on the law!!!!

  10. What exactly would you like law enforcement to do?

  11. He must have gotten that idea from the governor of Florida. Why is he following others? Doesn’t he have his own ideas?


  12. Here's a current headline:

    "Coronavirus Heroes Are Getting Tossed From Their Homes by Scared Landlords"

    We need to remember that we are all in this together. And we need to pull together to get through it.

    It's not like people are coming from NY and camping on your sidewalk. Hopefully they are sensitive to the situation and remain isolated (though there will always be some selfish axehole that won't).

    We cannot go to war with each other over this-- let's help each other out.

  13. I evacuated a family member from Manhattan last week. We have been practicing diligent hygiene and only one family member going out if absolutely necessary. Total isolation is almost impossible. This is not the plague.

  14. 9:57 been cooped up too long lol! You will do as you are told lol. Everyone is a tough guy on a computer! Most of the country talks all that trash about not taking my rights, or you'll have to arrest me to make me leave! Try and take my gun, blah blah blah. At the end of the day all that had to be done was merely tell everyone there is a virus or a biological weapon that has been exposed and everyone runs to their homes where they can easily be handled now. Just shut up and do your service by staying home like everyone else is lol.

  15. @9:57am

    You are exactly right! Glad to see another here with common sense to see through this charade!

  16. The best thing we all can do is presume everyone has it, yourself included, and act accordingly. At the end of the day you can only count on yourself. No politician, no doctor, no cop can keep you safe. Keep away from others, wash your hands, hold your breath and pray.


    1. I agree 324

      they are still coming into OC

      regardless of the signs

  18. + a Passport + a Real I.D !!!!! + Strip Search !!! + TSA -Pre-Ck !!!

    + TWIC Card + Hazmat Endorsement !!!

  19. Strip searches are the way to hard to do fast, all air travelers need to fly naked.

    No need for air marshals cuz where they going to hide a bomb or gun?

  20. They're doing NOTHING. If you can get them to admit it ask a Trooper what type of response
    gear have they been issued? The solution is to isolate and respond to only 'Emergency' calls
    for service and response. Only stop serious traffic violators. When a uniformed trooper enters
    the barrack he/she must have their temperatures taken to protect 'staff'. How do you expect those same men/women to uphold the emergency declaration when there is NO consideration for them and their families? According to the idiot Hogan the premier police agency in the State
    should accept the back seat when it comes to their selves and families safety.

    A troopers' wife.


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