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Thursday, March 19, 2020

Governor Hogan Announces New Major Actions To Slow Spread Of COVID-19

Today I announced further actions to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Maryland. As of this morning, we now have 107 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Maryland—an 88 percent increase in the past 48 hours. Among today’s new cases is a 5-year old girl in Howard County who has tested positive for COVID-19.

Yesterday afternoon, as chairman of the National Governors Association, I convened and led a call with my fellow governors across the country. The governors have agreed to five immediate priorities that we are requesting of the federal government, which we will be taking directly to the president and the vice president on a call with all the governors today. I will also be reaching out to leaders of both houses of Congress later this afternoon.

Despite all of our repeated warnings for weeks, and in spite of the rapid escalation of this crisis across our state, the nation, and the world, some people are treating this like a vacation or a spring break with parties, cookouts, and large gatherings. Let me be very clear—if you are engaged in this, you are in violation of state law and you are endangering the lives of your fellow Marylanders.

New actions announced today include reducing the size of public gatherings to 10 people; requiring the closure of all enclosed shopping malls; restricting access to the BWI Airport terminal to ticketed passengers and employees only; urging citizens to utilize transit for essential travel only; and relaunching the Maryland Unites initiative to connect Marylanders with resources and highlight stories of generosity and compassion amid the crisis.

Full details here: https://governor.maryland.gov/…/governor-hogan-announces-f…/

For health resources, visit coronavirus.maryland.gov.


  1. Thank goodness we have the Governors, Republican AND Democrat . On the federal level there is no dealership

  2. Hogan is so full of "see me" for the first time in his whole career as Governor. He is loving every minute of the attention. Transit mode of travel - what does that mean if you more than 10. The 5 year old from Howard county is probably Mexican (not racist here - Howard county has a high Spanish population). She is probably an illegal immigrant. Does she have the symptoms or is she a carrier. Government never really spells it out - therefore Panic.

  3. I wish Hogan would close the Bay Bridge.

    1. Then how would we get food

    2. Too late, it’s already here

    3. If you don't want to be here, just move and nobody will be mad with you. Me personally, I like to eat and lots of food comes from the west side of the bay.
      Bye bye 2:56

  4. These talking heads are just selectively reciting bullet points from the CDC as it suites them. The current administration and it's supporters are all so anti science and historical Empirical Knowledge. Let them pray and test their faith.

  5. We would get food from DEL or VA

  6. No Sex for 30 days > Remain 6ft apart !!!

  7. 2 cases of Corona per family per week !!! FREE from MD !!!


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