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Friday, March 27, 2020

Government is mauled over coronavirus testing failures as the disease strikes down Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock and Chris Whitty - the three men leading the country's response to the killer virus. Now all of Westminster is wondering - who is next?

The government faced a mauling this afternoon after it failed to stop senior figures in the UK's fight against coronavirus from catching the deadly disease as Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock both tested positive.

The Prime Minister and Health Secretary are now in self-isolation while Professor Chris Whitty, the UK's Chief Medical Officer, is working from home after he developed symptoms.

Michael Gove, the Minister for the Cabinet Office, was forced to defend the government's approach to the crisis after it hit hard at the heart of Westminster as he took part in the now daily Number 10 coronavirus press conference.

It was suggested to Mr Gove that ministers had at best been 'careless' and at worst 'negligent' by allowing the killer bug to infect Mr Johnson and Mr Hancock amid criticism of the government's testing efforts.



  1. No matter what that test should have been negative. Liberals will be knocking down the doors.

  2. The Royal family got the virus a few years ago, refer to it as Megan Virus.

    1. Now that's a good oneπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  3. That's what happens when the guy in charge is a bumbling nationalist moron who denies science and the facts in favor of his own agenda. He flat out denied the threat, and now look.

  4. 7:36 Still butt hurt over 2016 I see

  5. Those Brits just can't stop being the stuffy formal social beings that they are (culturally). Always greeting with a handshake, even with close friends, and a kiss on the cheek. It's going to be tough on them.

  6. Boris probably got it from his barber. For you that don't get it, that was sarcasm. Look at all the pictures of him.


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