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Monday, March 16, 2020

GOP Senator pushing legislation to reduce pharmaceutical dependency on China: 'We are dependent on them'

Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., addressed the reliance that the U.S. currently has on China when it comes to key pharmaceutical ingredients, as medical professionals are hoping to stave off the coronavirus pandemic.

Blackburn told "Fox & Friends" Sunday morning that even before the current outbreak, she was pushing legislation to reduce that dependency and increase production in the U.S.

"Many of the pharmaceuticals that are necessary for treating some of these viruses," Blackburn said, "they’re made only in China and we are dependent on them for these -- they’re called APIs, active pharmaceutical ingredients."

Blackburn went on to say that her bill "would incentive bringing that production back on U.S. shores" and "would change some of the legislation around the FDA … that deals with these emerging threats and new technologies and add advanced pharmaceutical manufacturing in this."



  1. Blame FDA, AMA and big Pharma. They are hurting the US since they depend on China and India for medical break throughs and cheap medications. These same areas could be done in the US just as cheap and efficient. Called money / kickbacks while they screw the US tax payer by getting millions of tax dollars with no / late results.

  2. Our dependence on other countries especially medicine should have stopped decades ago.

  3. Make ALL companys come back to AMERICA !!! Or they
    Can't do business here !!!

    Govt has the control > they need a Business Lic !!! &

    That can be taken away !!! Hint Hint Hire Americans !!!!

  4. Progressive tariff on all imports for 5 years until it reaches 100%. Buy American, the life and job you save might be your own

  5. Here's a funny. While yall have been cheering on the GOP and giving a blanket Boooo to the Dems, they've both hosed you. Sold you on globalism, and the idea it was ok for the Chinese to make your tee shirts and shoes. Better to let Americans focus on cars, and high tech items like meds. Now look. My point: stop falling for the BS just because you want to root for a party. Get the facts and use your critical thinking skills for once.

  6. dont stop there. bring it all back!

  7. I see nothing funny there 2:51

  8. Please also take a look at our food supply chain, especially foreign owned CAFOs and farms.

  9. China got Rich screwing us in America & it is the Democrat's
    Fault for being in ca-hoot with them !!!!

  10. Hyundai was making cars down south by 80% robots until the Unions got involved and the prices went sky high. The government this type of monopoly on everything. By making businesses to return to the US we will be paying triple if not more because of the unions and Democrats tax and spend polices.

  11. Is America really prepared to give up the middle class working dream and return to turn of the Century LOW class servitude and indenturedtude. LOL no cable no home ownership......NO BREEDING ? NO they would rather MAX out their credit and pretend they are equally or better entitled than the immigrants at the boarders.

  12. China put out the Virus on Purpose to get us back for the trade deal !!!!

  13. Can't even wipe your asss without china toilet paper !!!

    Pretty Bad !!!

  14. China knows how to Ruin America & " It Just Did " !!


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