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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Gaetz: Block Bailouts to Companies Controlled by China

Tuesday, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) argued that given the origin of the coronavirus was of Mainland China, and allegedly could have been thwarted by the communist Chinese government had they been more transparent, any federal dollars allocated for bailout purposes should not go to any company controlled by the Chinese government.

The Florida Republican congressman noted companies controlled by the Chinese and touted his legislation that would stop from money from going to companies such as those.

“Radisson Hotels, AMC movie theaters, even the Waldorf Astoria in New York are controlled by China, in essence, and I think we ought to restore every American worker and American small business before borrowing money from China so that we can then give it to China to then pay China back with interest after the Chinese virus,” he said. “That seems like a foolish thing that a great nation would never do. I’ve introduced legislation to block bailouts to corporations that are controlled by China. It’s so obvious I can’t even believe it’s not the law already.



  1. Any company that had their production facilities in a country outside of the U.S. should not get a cent. That includes the Automakers as well who outsourced our jobs overseas! It they are hurting, so be it!!!!!!

    F them!!!!
    They get what they deserve!!!
    Banks the same, we bailed them out the last time and they are not to big to fail!!!
    F them!!!

  2. And CRUISE SHIP companies who enjoy Not being Registered in America
    Or pay taxes here SHOULD NOT GET NO BAIL OUTS EITHER !!!

  3. This Time Unlike the Obama ERA , Bail OUT US Americans !!!!!!

    Your Taxpayers / Workers / Voters Blue collar on down !!!!

  4. So 8:46,....thank the Democrats


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