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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

'Followed through': Newsom praises Trump for response to Grand Princess coronavirus outbreak

California Gov. Gavin Newsom offered rare praise of President Trump's administration for the way it has responded to an outbreak of the COVID-19 virus on a cruise ship carrying hundreds.

The ship, dubbed the Grand Princess and carrying 3,500 people from 54 countries, docked in Oakland, California, this week after circling waters off the coast of the state for two days while health officials debated if it was safe to let the ship dock on American soil. Health officials screened 46 people aboard and found 21 who tested positive for the virus.

Over the weekend, Trump said he would prefer if the passengers did not exit the ship but would defer to the opinion of top U.S. health officials.



  1. No virus is going to give the deep cleaning that Oakland needs so desperately.

  2. They only screened 46 of 3500?

  3. Media kooks doing what they said,anything to get Trump out of office even a recession brought on by a virus.

    1. 610 Are you really that much of an idiot? Trump bragged about shutting down travel in response to the virus. Do you not expect countries around the world to do the same? Start shutting down travel and you make huge ripples throughout multiple economic sectors. Then you have Russia essentially kicking off an oil trade war. This drove down global oil prices. Which means those manufacturing jobs a certain politician claimed to bring back begin to evaporate. Want to know why: because a huge chunk of those jobs were in the oil industry and they were created because the price of oil made it profitable to expand, not because of what the clown in the oval office did. Now we have even more drastic reductions in domestic travel. Not because of the media. But because of warnings straight from the government. Not to mention companies dont want to take the liability risk of sending an employee out that then gets sick and dies. Reduced travel means reductions in hours for regular Joe Smoes in the hospitality industry and multiple other service sectors. So dunce, get a clue. There are ALOT of people, in fact most, who are smarter and more well informed than you. So do us all a favor Jr. Sit this one out and let the adults handle it.

    2. Do you have opinion to shareπŸ˜‚ that would make it all "go away". πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Vote Trump 2020.

    3. Another clown comment. Take another look at what 610 said then look at the reply. Its not about bashing trump. Its about bashing you idiots who make up garbage partisan attacks. But speaking of trump, a week or 2 ago he did say this was all a hoax. Boy oh boy, how things have changed.

  4. Cruise ships have been filthy floating buffets before this.

    1. When you have 3,000 to 5,000 people on one cruise ship it is the size of a city. Move the that number of people on and off the ship every week and you are going to have health problems. The turn over is only a few hours. Scary.

  5. Well, gosh, 8:01 PM, what would you do as a world leader faced with the same threat? Of course, let's use presidential precedents to back up your course of action, including their widespread social and economic outcomes.
    Or do you have a truly novel set of strategies?

    1. 632 please keep up. Talk about deranged. Where did I say anything critiquing Trump's response? Clearly 610 stated "media kooks" are responsible. And I clearly reminded him that the entire US government is responding, that the response has economic impacts, and that there are other major world wide economic threats taking place that are having real impacts. These are facts that show 610 is a buffoon for making his/her statement. Are you all caught up now?

  6. Have you noticed it’s hitting Democrat run sanctuary cities???

  7. Our President acted because of the citizens affected not because of the Governor Clown


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