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Monday, March 30, 2020

Florida sees sharp spike in coronavirus infections as fears grow it could be another hotspot

Fears are growing that Florida could be another coronavirus hotspot after a sharp increase in infections in the last 24 hours and nearly two dozen more deaths.

Health officials said Saturday morning they have seen 863 additional positive COVID-19 cases, which brought the total tally of cases to 3,763.

More than 600,000 people around the world have tested positive for coronavirus. On Friday, the U.S. surpassed China - where the virus was first detected late last year - after recording more than 100,000 infections.

Florida is now the fourth most-hit state in the United States, after New York, New Jersey, and California, according to data by health officials and Johns Hopkins University.



  1. So much for the theory of warm weather killing the virus!!!

  2. Warm weather kills all viruses.
    Except man-made virus

  3. The Governor missed it on this. It will be a hot spot thanks to that Governor

    He should have closed the beaches


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