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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Florida kills Bernie's fire with young Latinos

The past month already sealed the coffin on Bernie Sanders' second presidential bid, but his catastrophic loss among his supposedly revolutionary coalition in Florida provided it the devastating ending it deserved.

From his short-lived successful streak in Iowa and New Hampshire to the disastrous Super Tuesday, the young voters Sanders claimed would save his campaign with record turnout never actually materialized. The Vermont senator did manage to increase his support margins with Latino voters from 2016, but as Florida proved, his best efforts simply were not enough.

The writing was on the walls for weeks before Tuesday's primary, with polling giving presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden a vast margin among Latino voters in the Sunshine State. Sanders did best with HIspanics in most other states -- though not nearly as dominant as Biden has been among black voters. But when brought before one of the most diverse Latino communities in the country, Sanders failed. And badly -- the results tallied in the early evening point to a rout.



  1. How many young Latinos have to be thrown on a Bernie fire by the state of Florida to put the fire out?

  2. His praise of Castro ended his campaign


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