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Friday, March 27, 2020

Fauci Ignores WHO Boss Crimes Against Humanity


  1. Dr. Fauci, as a member of the Trump administration, is getting too much credit and attention for the left. It is now time to "cancel" him too. Look for him to be criticized and maligned more and more as this crisis goes along. The left can not let anything, or anyone, good be associated with President Trump. It is bad for the brand.

  2. Dr, Faucii's approval rating is the highest of any of the coronavirus experts in front of the cameras, according to to latest poll. Hard to criticize that because of some political ideology.

  3. So far it's OBVIOUS none of YOU have watched this video...as your comments don't mean a hill of beans let along make sense. Dr. Fauci and Dr. Brix are BOTH part of the Deep State...heavy duty...IF you haven't noticed, POTUS keeps his small group of Loyalist Friends Close, BUT he keeps his enemies closer. I'm sure you don't get that...Dr. Fauci is NOT a part of POTUS Administration; he's part of the 'team'. period!!!

    1. I agree 100%
      Most commenters here do not think about the politics that deeply. Your comment may be difficult for some to understand

  4. March 28, 2020 at 11:57 AM:

    Video or no video, my comment about the Dr. Faucii polling and popularity of viewers remains true. What's your point? You OBVIOUSLY don't have one. Just fanatical ranting.

  5. Isn't it amazing that Bill Gates along with his Agenda-21 motivation is right in the middle of all this. Everyone thinks he's such a great guy but all you have to do is look at his agenda. He has already ruined a generation of students with his common core crap which some people are finally wakening up to get rid of this program. The ones who don't are definitely kool-aid drinkers. Let's see, Clinton, Gates, Soros etc.all the same. Wake up America!


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