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Thursday, March 05, 2020

EU politician tells Greta Thunberg to ‘go back to school’

An Italian politician took the opportunity to offer advice to 17-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg during a high-profile appearance at the European Union.

Member of the European Parliament Pietro Fiocchi told Thunberg, who was in the room that her "childhood was as precious as the climate," and she should consider returning to school during a meeting of the Environment Council at the European Parliament in Brussels on Wednesday.

"I would like to give an advice as a father gives an advice to a daughter — go back to school and go back to a normal life," Fiocchi said. "Your childhood is as precious as the climate, and if you don't do something about it, you will lose it forever."



  1. BUT think about all the money$$$&& she won’t get, and her parents might have to get a job......

  2. All of the hubbub she is involved in is nothing more than her parents doings. They think they will outsource her to make them rich. Child abuse.

  3. Come on guys

    Parents work for intelligence
    Greta is a Psyop

  4. She'll end up toothless and covered in cat hair.

  5. I love the stickers being put out from Alberta oil. This is exactly what should be done to that troublemaker.

  6. Parents need to be ARRESTED.


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