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Sunday, March 08, 2020

Elizabeth Warren ends presidential run 3-5-2020

Questions about whether the U.S. would elect a woman dogged Warren. Polls on matchups with Trump in battleground states — and her positioning on key proposals like "Medicare for All" — didn't help.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren is suspending her presidential campaign, a source familiar with the decision tells NBC News, a bitter blow for a senator who was long seen by prominent Democrats as headed for the White House.

It is unclear whether Warren will endorse another Democratic candidate for president.

The decision, which comes after a poor "Super Tuesday" showing in which Warren failed to win any states, ends a frantic year of campaigning for a candidate who branded herself as a progressive fighter from humble beginnings who was ready to take on a broken and corrupt system.



  1. Growing up on a reservation and becoming a millionaire is simply awesome. And this is in the most racist and sexist country EVER.

  2. Good, Pocahontas should have never been in the race to start with, the liar that she is. Of course, she's not the only liar in that race.

  3. She moves like a marionette

    1. Always reminded me of one of those ridiculous arm-waving fan operated advertising dummies.

  4. Pretty sure the bosses are happy with her performance.

    She helped Mr Trump get re-elected

  5. Yay!
    Next, Massachusetts fires her.

  6. Having been nicknamed "Pocahontas" immediately made her a caricature and a laughingstock of a candidate.
    She was marked as a phony the moment that happened. That alone would've killed her chances, not to mention her being loud, shrill, egotistical, and having a boatload of bad ideas.
    (And yes, 12:04, I just noticed that she actually DOES "move like a marionette". Very observant of you!)

  7. She has asked her fellow Squaws and the Braves to give support to the "Snowy haired Father with the empty head" sayin that he doesn't speak with forked tongue and will need plenty wampum to beat the Great Orange Man in Washington.

  8. Don't worry snowflakes who fight the patriarchy. The female version of Bernie Sanders will run again next year. What a racket these clowns run year after year paying their family and friends millions of dollars to work for their campaigns.

  9. Another one bites the dust....one by one they are realizing how strong President Trump's support is and are avoiding the embarrassment of running against him.

  10. It's why I rooted for her...so she'd lose.

  11. She can go Back to her Reservation !!!! LOL SEE YA !!!!

  12. One Good thing > she will too old to run ANYMORE !!!!

  13. Like Custer > it was her Last Stand !!!!

  14. So how often does she teach classes at Harvard for her $400K annual salary? Add that to her $174K annual Congressional pay and she is doing well for a Native American...

  15. So how often does she teach classes at Harvard for her $400K annual salary? Add that to her $174K annual Congressional pay and she is doing well for a Native American...


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