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Thursday, March 05, 2020

Elizabeth Warren drops out of presidential race: Report

Elizabeth Warren, facing mounting pressure from the progressive flank of the Democratic Party, ended her presidential campaign on Thursday, according to the New York Times, after a dismal Super Tuesday performance in which she placed no higher than third in 14 nomination contests, including in her home state, Massachusetts.

The decision comes as the primary field, which once featured two dozen candidates, has winnowed down to a two-man race between Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, 78, and former Vice President Joe Biden, 77. It's unclear whether Warren intends to endorse either candidate, both of whom have spoken with Warren since Super Tuesday ended.

It also follows similar moves by Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar and Mike Bloomberg, who exited the race earlier this week and rallied behind Biden, creating a formidable moderate opponent who can compete against Sanders and his grassroots juggernaut.



  1. Wa Wa Wa Wa !!!! Pocohuntas is DONE for Good !!! LOL

  2. Boy !! the Demon-crats are Falling like Flys & they Stink !!!!

  3. They are like Stink on shhhht !!!!

  4. She is a SPONGE on the taxpayers like the rest of the Democrats


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