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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Donald Trump's top economic adviser says a slowdown IS coming and can't offer any detail on massive tax cut president is hoping will get country through coronavirus crisis

Donald Trump economic advisor Larry Kudlow is predicting there will be 'problems ahead' on the economic front, as he spoke in broad outlines about the president's tax cut proposals without offering specifics.

Kudlow spoke to reporters 24 hours after Trump said he would produce 'major' tax cut proposals, only to float a few ideas to senators without releasing any kind of plan. He dispatched his Treasury secretary to sit down with Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and talked up plans to aid affected industries and try to bolster American workers.

'We are working out details right now so I don't want to quote any numbers ahead of time,' Kudlow told reporters at the White House hours after Trump huddled with GOP senators, some of whom were cool to the initial proposals.



  1. He just said it will all be ok and they will take bold steps. Cutting pay roll tax will put massive money in circulation and it can be done.

  2. The Fed can continue to create US Dollars to infinity. Inflation of prices is on the horizon. Might want to buy gold and silver as a hedge

    1. Pretty sure everyone with half a brain knows that printing money isn't the answer.

  3. 12:15 he's never lied before...

  4. Will this payroll tax cut (which means more in our paychecks now) make us have to pay more when our income taxes are done next year?


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