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Thursday, March 05, 2020

DNC Scrambles To Change Debate Threshold After Gabbard Qualifies

On a CNN panel on Monday, host John King spoke with Politico reporter Alex Thompson about the possibility of Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard qualifying on Super Tuesday for the party’s primary debate in Phoenix later this month.
“I will note this, she’s from Hawaii,” King said of Gabbard.

“She’s a congresswoman from Hawaii; American Samoa votes on Super Tuesday. The rules as they now stand, if you get a delegate, you’re back in the debates. As of now. Correct?”

“Yeah, they haven’t, I mean, that’s been the rule for every single debate,” Thompson replied.

“And the DNC has not released their official guidance for the March 15 debate in Phoenix, but it would be very obvious that they are trying to cancel Tulsi, who they’re scared of a third party run, if they then change the rules to prevent her to rejoin the debate stage.”

And indeed, as the smoke clears from the Super Tuesday frenzy, this is precisely what appears to have transpired.



  1. Good. Tulsi is even tempered and strong willed. I am a conservative but she outed the hypocrite Kamala Harris.

  2. Insane- the one Democrat who doesn't seem to hate the county, and they block her out.

  3. It was more like Stupor Tuesday.

  4. She is radical and believes Iran can do no wrong. If she mentions being a soldier again I will puke. She is against everything Trump is doing in the Middle East and has been proven wrong every time. However she will be going against Trump in primary and msm will be full support of her. DNC chose her along time ago every one else are just a flash in the pan.

    1. Come again? How can she go against Trump in a primary? What am I missing?

  5. I hope she makes the debate stage. Loved it when she eviscerated Kamala Harris. She could easily eviscerate Senile Joe.

  6. Seems Democrats hate women like Tulsi and the same democrats who push for men who claim to be women athletes destroy women’s sports.


  7. Tulsi is out of step with the DNC's agenda and manipulation. She deserves to be on the stage as much or more than the quirky discards the DNC has permitted to 'debate'.

    That said, she's as radical as the rest of them, just wrapped in a younger package with some National Guard resume wrapping. Same socialist mindset as all other Dems from Hawaii. (Does Zero ring a bell?)


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