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Friday, March 20, 2020

Did the World Health Organization Lie About the Spread of Wuhan Coronavirus to Protect China?

The World Health Organization, an entity people everywhere can supposedly rely on for accuracy, gave provably false information to countries around the globe about human-to-human spread of Wuhan coronavirus in January.

To recap, at the end of December the WHO was warned by Taiwan officials that the Wuhan coronavirus was spreading through human-to-human contact. The WHO, an ally first to China -- whose communist party is hostile toward Taiwan -- said two weeks later there was "no evidence" this was the case. They did this by citing unreliable, dishonest, official Chinese government sources. Nearly two weeks after that, the WHO argued against restrictions on international air travel. This of course ultimately led to the devastating pandemic we are in now.

In the time in-between the warning from Taiwan and the statement from WHO everything was fine, China destroyed samples of the virus, shut down labs, arrested doctors and welded shut buildings where victims of the disease lived.



  1. Yes as they were Protecting China...

  2. Does a bear . . . You know

  3. Any information coming out of China about this virus is suspect. The numbers from Italy are going to paint the true picture of just how infectious this virus is. Stay home, get to know your family again and chill. This to shall pass.

  4. Well, the world better not ignore a totalitarian regime with 1.5 billion people.

  5. As a side note, I was in a WalMart earlier this week, unfortunately it was packed with shoppers. No one can buy a freaking face mask anywhere, but I noticed only two shoppers wearing them. And the eyes peeking over the masks were Chinese Asians. They are the world's enemy, and they are everywhere. We need to fix that. When we reopen our borders, the Chinese should be left out.

  6. China has made many politicians and corporate executives rich and they will protect their cash cow at the expense of Americans.

  7. To Protect the DEMOCRATS !!!!


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