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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Democrats infect coronavirus relief bill with poison

Senate Democrats on Sunday night followed Rahm Emanuel's famous advice to never let a crisis go to waste. They filibustered a bill that had been negotiated by senators of both parties to provide relief for tens of millions of people whose livelihoods are in jeopardy and whose small businesses are failing.

The most important aspect of any legislative response to the coronavirus crisis is to help businesses maintain their payrolls. Employers are making the decision to lay off their staffs every day, and the longer Washington hesitates in its response, the deeper the economic effect of the virus will be.

After a weekendlong negotiation, the Senate produced a bill that would have granted the relief for which people are desperate. The bill would have increased the amount an eligible individual could receive for unemployment insurance and expanded the number of households that would receive individual payments from the government to cover immediate costs.



  1. I don't know what to say - there seems to be no way to stop the virus created by the Democrats - pelosiverirus. Please come up with a vaccine to eliminate this ugly stupid virus - pelosiverirus.

  2. Trump needs to either “tweet” and/or get on national news and read out loud every one of these “added on” conditions, policies, rules, laws and special interest projects the Democrats have littered into this Bill. DAMN those Democrats for doing this. Unfortunately, you know who and what party the national news will blame.

  3. Yes sir ,..the spin that i expected. The Senate is about to give away one half of a trillion dollars into a fund that has no oversight. We bailed out wall street in 2008, we gave away the largest corporate tax break in US history . Lets not make the same mistake AGAIN .

    Yes , the Democrats have an imperfect proposal. BUT do you want to make the same mistake the 3rd time?

    I for one do not. Let the people get the bail out this time instead of making income inequality worse

  4. If the Impeachment fiasco didn't seal their fate in November, this certainly will!

    People will not forget it, even those who vote Democrat.
    They basically held up money to hurt EVERYONE unless they got their agenda pushed.

  5. The government’s response gives us a clue to the PURPOSE of the bioweapon


  6. So, 10:50, you say give it all to the workers. That 'income inequality' thing.

    But let's think this through for a moment.. Let's just pick 3-- the hotel industry, restaurants and the airlines.

    What will happen if just those 3 industries are decimated? Where will all those workers be employed?

    Or would you propose just continuing to bail them out month after month (which is called welfare by most-- and I'm sure that is what the liberals would like. Dependence)

    There are big strings and stipulations attached to any aid to businesses being proposed. You need not worry about it, and you can skip the liberal talking points.

    Mr. Trump is a businessman. He knows how to fix it when it gets broken.

  7. 10:50. Thank you. Yes. The Senate bill is infinitely worse. Billions direct to corporations width no oversight! They will just use to buy back their own stock an do nothing to help their workers.

  8. Trump should issue an Executive Order that he will sign no BILL put on his desk that is not a "clean" BILL with no add-ons, pork barrel, that is not directly related to the main BILL.

  9. Republicans are mad at the Democrats for blocking socialism. The world is upside down..... Haha

  10. Throw their asses OUT of Congress 2020 !!!!

  11. Their asses OUT of everything in 2020!

  12. 10:50 How much money did OBAMA give away to solar companies and solar cars that as soon as the company got these millions each they declared bankruptcy and closed up shop keeping the money with no penalty, since they were OBAMA's buddies. What / how much kick back did OBAMA get from them?

    1. Fossil fuels are subsidized at around 700 billion a year. What green energy receives in subsidies is a pittance.


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